Imaam Kisaaee and Imaam Yazeedi were two famous Qaaris during the time of Khalifah Haroon Rashid.
Once when it was time for Maghrib, Imaam Kisaaee became the Imaam. It so happened that this expert Qaari made several errors while reciting Surah Kaafiroon.
After the Salaat, Imaam Yazeedi commented: “You are the Imaam and Qaari of the people of Kufa yet you commit so many errors (in such a short Surah)!”
That very same night, Imaam Yazeedi was the Imaam for Isha Salaat. Surprisingly, this Imaam of Qiraa’t made several errors in Surah Faatihah. After the Salaat.
Imaam Kisaaee commented: “Control your tongue, and speak not something which could be a cause of trial for you. Most trials are the consequences of man’s (reckless) speech.”
(Source: Subulas-Salaam, page 55)
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