Death And Du’a For Mushriks – Impermissible! (Part 2)
The FATWA of Allah Ta’ala as enshrined in His Noble Kalaam debunks the participation of Muslims and scholars in the interfaith gatherings at the funeral of Tutu:
“It is NOT (permissible) for the Nabi, nor for the Mu’mineen to seek forgiveness (i.e. make Du’a) for the Mushrikeen, even if they be their relatives, after it has become clear to them that they (the Mushrikeen) are the residents of the Blaze (Jahannam).” (Surah Taubah, Aayat 113)
We learn the following from the above FATWA of Allah Ta’ala:
- It is NOT PERMISSIBLE to make Du’a for non-believers after their death
- It is NOT PERMISSIBLE to say or to write ‘RIP’ for non-believers after their death
- It is NOT PERMISSIBLE to attend any of the functions (like interfaith gatherings, etc.) held at the funerals of non-believers
Keeping the above in mind, the following questions should be asked in the minds of Muslims who follow the Fatwa of Allah Ta’ala as enshrined in the above Aayat:
- How can Shaykhs and Moulanas participate in the interfaith gatherings at the funeral of bishops?
- How can Shaykhs and Moulanas participate in any of the funeral proceedings of the bishop who preached Dhalaalat (misguidance) his entire life?
- Is such participation not condoning the KUFR preached by the bishop his entire life?
- How can Shaykhs and Moulanas participate and endorse any of the funeral proceedings of the bishop who claimed, “I would not worship a god who is homophobic.” Na’uthu-Billah! (
- How can Shaykhs and Moulanas participate in any of the funeral proceedings of the bishop who championed LGBTQIA+ rights and was outspoken on homophobia, equating it with apartheid. (
- Is such participation not condoning the HARAAM gay-brigade and lesbianism which the Kuffaar are introducing in our midst, schools and communities?
It is NOT PERMITTED to make Du’a, participate in any of the funeral proceedings and memorial services of ALL NON-MUSLIMS – be he an activist, bishop or a president – as per the clear-cut Fatwa of Allah Ta’ala. Anyone promoting such – be he an Aalim, Shaykh or a secretary general of any organisation – has committed treachery to the Law of Allah Azza Wa Jal!
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