Death & Du’a For Mushriks (3)

Death And Du’a For Mushriks – Impermissible! (Part 3)

“It is NOT (permissible) for the Nabi, nor for the Mu’mineen to seek forgiveness (i.e. make Du’a) for the Mushrikeen, even if they be their relatives, after it has become clear to them that they (the Mushrikeen) are the residents of the Blaze (Jahannam).” (Surah Taubah, Aayat 113)

The above Aayat clearly shows the impermissibility of making Du’a for non-believers who died in the apparent state of KUFR. Sending condolences, writing ‘RIP’, etc. upon the death of non-Muslims, are impermissible. Such writings and sympathy for disbelievers are not from the teachings of our Deen. Hence, Muslims should avoid falling in this trap by writing, liking, posting, commenting or forwarding such messages on the various social media platforms.

Sadly, today, Muslims have shun the above Qur’anic Law under the rug by sending condolences and writing ‘RIP’ and other similar writings upon the death of Kuffaar icons, bishops, presidents and activists, etc. The recent death of Tutu is a glaring example of this fact.

In praising Tutu, dangerous statements were made by Muslims as if to show that the bishop who championed LGBTQ and same-sex marriages deserves forgiveness by Allah Ta’ala and an abode in Jannah – Innaa-lillaahi-wa-innaa-ilaihi-raaji’oon!

When the son of Nabi Nooh (Alaihis salaam) drowned in the state of Kufr, Allah Ta’ala told Nabi Nooh (Alaihis salaam), “He is not from your family.” Hence, you should not make Du’a for him!

When Allah’s Rasool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’s uncle, Abu Taalib, passed away, Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) didn’t make Du’a for him!

Yet, Muslims and Muslim scholars of the 15th Islamic century participate in interfaith meetings, memorial services and in eulogies at the death of non-Muslim enemies of Allah Ta’ala. The saddest part is that such indulgences of theirs is broadcasted on media – HARAAM TV, You-Tube, internet and radios – thereby misleading those Muslims who have little knowledge of the true teachings of Islam in regard to praising non-Muslims, etc.

We must remember the following points:

  1. Allah Ta’ala has stated clearly in His Kalaam that Mushriks will be in Jahannam for eternity.
  2. We should not hanker to be accepted in the eyes of the government, Kuffaar, social media followers (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) by posting content in praise of Kuffaar and Kuffaar icons.
  3. Abstain from making statements in praise of Mushriks who preached and taught Shirk their entire lives by which many people were misled. Added to the Shirk, it is inconceivable for any Muslim to praise a man who championed LGBTQ.
  4. We are not advocating that Muslims must speak ill of anyone, but we don’t need to praise a non-Muslim especially one who apparently died on Shirk who will be doomed for Allah’s Azaab.
  5. As Muslims, we can’t carry on like this by praising every bishop, singer, actor, sportsman, icon, etc. who dies as a disbeliever. Their mere effort for some Worldly gain shouldn’t stoop Muslims to such a level of indulging in open and clear un-Islamic practices.   

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