Deen Team Heading To Poison The Youth Of Mpumalanga

O Youth of Mpumalanga! Beware of the disguised enemies heading to your areas!

Allah Ta’ala warns regarding the Ahl-e-Kitaab, “O You who believe! Do not take as friends those who take your Deen as a mockery and fun…” (Maaidah, Aayat 58)

While the above Aayat is regarding the Ahl-e-Kitaab, the message is understood that any such groups, religious members, teams, etc. who turn our Deen into a mockery, play, sports, tournaments, and amusements, should be shunned. Muslims will be automatically aware and on guard regarding the Kuffaar, since they (the Kuffaar) are known to be our open enemies. However, when it comes to the forces of Baatil, they appear in ‘Muslim’ names, ‘Islamic’ themes, ‘Sunnah’ activities, ‘Halaal’ entertainment, ‘Souks’, ‘Ramadhaan’ or ‘Eid’ festivals, and ‘Teams’, etc.

Thus, it is extremely important to know of the evil, Haraam and sin in such themes and names used nowadays. It becomes difficult since every such Haraam and sin is painted in an ‘Islamic’ hue, due to which many a times, innocently, a Muslim can get involved with such people due to which his/her entire outlook to the 1400-year-old Genuine Shari’ah, the Haq and the Straight Path becomes corrupted, modernised, etc..

The ‘Deen’ Team is no different to this. Their history is that of HARAAM sports, fun, games, drunk/dunk tanks, astro-turfs, tournaments, and O yes, photography, videography – loads and loads of it, especially recently!

The fact that their circle of scholars are those who have dented Islam in recent days, speaks volumes of who really backs this evil ‘Team’ of futility, Haraam and evil.

Also, the fact that senior Ulama-e-Haq of South Africa have spoken out from the Mimbars and in many of their articles, explained the evils of such events of this un-Islamic ‘Team’, speaks encyclopaedias. The list of this team’s evil is simply too long.

The recent evil of  this ‘Team’ we were alerted to is that of their utter disrespect to the Qur’an Majeed when their members (or whoever was given a platform by them) were seated on chairs on which were written Aayaat of the Qur’an Majeed (in Arabic, actual Aayaat). The backs of those seated were directly facing the Aayat/Aayaat! What height of disrespect is this not!? What else could had been expected from a group of players, after all? Where will they know and be able to teach the correct and genuine meaning of Adab, since their main focus is the sports they terrible drowned in? Real Adab is learnt by the Real Men of Allah Ta’ala – the Ulama-e-Haq and the Awliyaa whom the so-called Deen Team don’t listen and whose Naseehat they have clearly REJECTED.

Imagine, an Aayat of the Qur’an Majeed which was inscribed on the chair on which was seated their members or guests. INNA-LILLAAHI-WA-INNA-ILAIHI-RAAJI’OON!

Thus, it is very important for the parents of all the towns and localities, which this Be-Adab group of ‘youth on the move’ are heading to, to keep their children away from getting involved in all their ‘innocent looking’, but rather poisonous activities, games, prizes, etc. This disrespectful group of youth are out there to poison the hearts of your innocent children! Whilst in the Maktab they (your children) are taught the respect of the Qur’an Majeed, here the Be-Adab team of play and sports will teach them the total opposite. Is that not corrupting their understanding of Adab for the Qur’an Majeed?

The ‘Deen’ Team and ALL its activities should be boycotted. Their ‘Ameer’ is not grounded in Deen. He speaks a load of hogwash in his speeches. He promotes interfaith, soccer and other similar un-Islamic and HARAAM activities. His love for defending the Honour of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is too little. He prefers firendship with a group that are to screen aspects of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Is that the time to engage in friendship? Is it not a time to STOP wrong with one’s hands, if not then by one’s tongue (as per the Hadith Shareef)? Stopping evil with one’s tongue is not a cool talk over tea, to try and win the Ahl-e-Baatil over. It is by tongue/pen that they (Ahl-e-Baatil) be exposed, and the correct unadulterated version of Deen be told in no ambiguity.

This shows when it is time to stand up for the Haq, for the defence of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), they prefer the ‘back seat’. This speaks volumes of their true colours!

Beware of them and ALL of their activities!

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