Deen Team’s Folly – Beware!!!

Deen Team’s Baatil – Going Directly Against The Hadith – BEWARE!!!

The Deen Team, which has made a play out of Deen, should be well informed of their anti-Islamic activities. Their involvement in animate pictography, animate videos, sports, games, soccer, girls’ outings, Fajr competition, dunk tank games, etc. under the pretext of ‘Deen’ is a disservice to Deen!

Ulama-e-Haq don’t endorse their activities simply because their activities are Shaitaani activities.

Yes, scholars like those of JUSA, Darul ‘Ihsan’ and other liberal and modern minded scholars endorse their Haraam and Shaitaani activities. After all it is expected for Baatil to be attracted to Baatil!

We wish to apprize the Deen Team of their 40-day Haraam Fajr competition to be going against the warning of SHIRK by Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). How then can they be ‘Deen’, if their doings are contrary to the teachings of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?

O Deen Team! It seems you have not come across the following Hadith Shareef which debunks your entire 40-day Fajr Baatil competition:


If Salaah performed FOR the reason of showing off is warned of the major sin of SHIRK, what then can be said for hosting a Fajr competition FOR winning awards and prizes? Don’t bring Imaam Ghazaali’s name as a defence for the Haraam Fajr competition! We shall discuss this in detail, soon, Insha Allah.

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