QUESTION: I’ve noticed with Molvi Saad and now again with Molvi Tariq Jamil, that they had/have heavily armed security personnel in their surroundings. Private security officials with big big rifles of probably big calibres, bullet proof vests, fully tactical uniform, etc are what they are escorted with. Even at Molvi Tariq Jamil’s Bayaan venue at a Masjid, security vehicles were parked outside the Masjid, and security officials escorted him into the Masjid.
What’s all this for? What is the reason for such heavy security arrangements? I don’t see such arrangements for any of our Akaabir Ulama of SA!?
ANSWER: We don’t know what the reasons for such armed guards are at the venues of these deviates.
Definitely, our Ulama-e-Haq don’t have such shows.
Perhaps the celebrity-flavour or/and the political activities of these orators may play a part in these security measures, i.e. like how politicians and celebrities need security, so too these orators, some of whom are involved in politics and/or have a celebrity-styled lifestyle need such security presence. Allah knows best.
In short, we cannot comment on any solid basis as there may be several reasons which should be enquired from the organizers of such deviates’ programs as to why they arrange heavily armed guards to their venues. They should be asked if they fear any security threat and why? (Do inform us of their answer if asked and if any answer is provided).