Did Ml Yunus Patel Condone Attending Secular Universities



Some segments of society are hell-bent on trying to find a justification for sending Muslim youth through the current secular education system, the way it is, thereby comprising their Islamic and Imaani values and Beliefs.



❓ What was Hadhrat Moulana Yunus Patel Saheb’s true stance❔


➡️ Firstly this was a lecture delivered to male students Already enrolled at a university. The advice was, focus on your course and stay clear of Haraam. It in no way condoned girls going into the intermingled university environments.


💬Some quotes from the Book of Hadhrat Moulana Yunus Patel Saheb – “Removing the Safety Net”📖


1 “The environment at the schools and colleges, even here in South Africa, is such, which destroys not only the morality and chastity of our children, but also destroys their Imaan. Besides the increase in adultery, homosexuality, atheism is also becoming more and more rife. Our hearts bleed that these are the sons and daughters of the Ummah of Nabi (ﷺ)- that have become easy prey to the enemies of Islam. *It is for this reason that the Scholars advocate for alternate means of acquiring knowledge – homeschooling, and studying through correspondence, or attending an all-girls college, if the environment is not a threat to Imaan and Islaam ”


Page 97 – 📙 Removing the Safety Net


❗(The above was in reply to a Muslim parent who says her daughter had an illegitimate child with a Christian boy at a university far from home) ❗


2 “We send our children to the universities and colleges and instead of becoming educated, cultured human beings – many are churned out with bad morals and with degenerative characters. The environment is a ‘breeding’ ground – breeding rebellion… rebellion against Allah Ta’ala, rebellion against parents…”


Page 72 – 📙 Removing the Safety Net


3 “How many young children were introduced to cigarettes and drugs at the schools, by bigger boys? There are so many young children – 5 / 6 / 7 years of age – younger or older – that are viewing pornography by being exposed to it through other students at the schools”


Page 31 & 32 – 📙 Removing the Safety Net


4 ” What do the parents say? … ‘Maulana, she cannot get married now. She has to complete her university studies – then only can she talk about marriage…’


The university studies and degrees take priority. This is more important than her respect, her chastity, her modesty…


And the parents believe that in the interim – whilst studying, this love of hers for that particular boy will die down.


Is this intelligence? Where is the aql of the parents ?”


Page 71 – 📙 Removing the Safety Net


5 “We may ask the question: Why do we find this condition in some of our children, despite their education?


Because the knowledge obtained was without Allah Ta’ala.


The first Ayat (verse) to be revealed was:


اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ




Knowledge was to be acquired, seeking noble objectives: Recognition of Allah Ta’ala, Love of Allah Ta’ala, and what would naturally follow : Obedience to Allah Ta’ala.


That knowledge which takes away from obedience to Allah Ta’ala and noble conduct cannot be categorised as knowledge.”


Page 72 & 73 – 📙 Removing the Safety Net


📌 From the above advices of Hadhrat Moulana Yunus Patel Saheb رحمة الله عليه it is as clear as daylight ☀ that he didn’t condone the current secular schooling systems filled with Fitnahs and vice!


‼️Don’t be fooled or hoodwinked!!

May ALLAAH TA’ALA have Mercy on his soul, he was ever active in combating the Fitnahs of the time, head-on.