Did You Sign The Petition Yet?

20 Dhul-Hijjah 1442 / 31 July 2021

Did You Sign The Petition Yet?

Senior Ulama-e-Haq and others have encouraged to sign!


Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) guaranteed the following, “There will always remain a group of people from my Ummah who will be triumphant on the truth (Haq). Those who will oppose them or abandon them, will not be able to harm them…” (Muslim Shareef)

Alhamdulillah, from our last statement when there were just over a thousand signatures of those who signed in support of saying that UUCSA does NOT represent them, at the time of writing this, the count has reached over four thousand.

Furthermore, we have noted the support of certain Ulama of South Africa whom the world considers as very senior and prominent, who have also encouraged the lodging of one’s objection to the (false) claim of UUCSA who claim to ‘represent majority of Muslims of South Africa’.

One should not be fooled by certain statements that were released and that may be released in the future by UUCSA. Yes, if they state clearly and unambiguously that they are going to drop their attempt to go to court in support of the Kufr MMB Bill, or go to court to OPPOSE the Kufr MMB Bill, then it will be a different issue. Until then, their statements should be ignored, because they perhaps due to feeling the ‘brunt’, or due to losing support, have issued certain statements which in the words of Hazrat Mufti AK Hoosen is referred to as, “Can fool the animals in Kruger Park but it cannot fool any human being who has some sense and common sense and intellect…”

Follow the teachings and guidance given to us by our senior, pious and learned Ulama-e-Haq in this matter. Failure to do this, we may easily get hoodwinked and fall for the traps laid by the scholars of the government when they issue statements, which we call ‘damage control statements’.

Remember, we are dealing with a group of scholars (UUCSA) who have made themselves the spokesperson on behalf of the Muslims of South Africa, or the ‘majority of Muslims’. This is to show the court that they are representing the Muslims of SA. The history of this group (UUCSA), unfortunately, is that of frequenting interfaith gatherings, meeting politicians and ‘being in bed’ with the government, etc. The absence of their taking the Naseehat, company and Mashwarah from our Ulama-e-Haq is glaring.

Sign the petition if you wish UUCSA not to (mis)represent you in support of the (Kufr) MMB Bill:


(To read (or download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Did-you-sign-the-petition-yet.pdf