
Earthquake – Contribute To Reliable Organizations!

“What! Are the people of the towns confident about the punishment befalling them during the night whilst they are sleeping?”

“What! Are the people of the towns confident about the punishment befalling them during the day whilst they are engaging in sport.” (A’raaf, 97 and 98)

Whilst everyone has by now come to know of the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria, as Muslims we should note the following important points:

  1. It is Haraam to watch animate photos and videos. Thus, watching animate photos and videos of the scenes of the earthquake is totally Haraam.
  2. Lessons should be taken instead of keeping the discussions on the earthquake to mere updates on stats, deaths, etc. In a matter of a few seconds, life may change!
  3. Du’a should be made for the victims of the earthquake. Insha Allah, in this way, one will be counted among those who assisted our brothers and sisters during their time of need.
  4. Muslims who are going to Turkey for relief work should totally avoid the camera! Handing out hampers while being photographed or videoed is causing undue Takleef to the recipients of aid. They surely deserve to be given aid without the whole world to know! Do relief work for Allah’s Pleasure. Worry if it will be accepted in Allah’s Eyes, not in the donors’ eyes!
  5. Muslims who wish to contribute should strictly contribute to reliable organizations. It is Haraam to contribute even for the earthquake-relief work to organizations and Ulama that closed or supported the closure of the Masaajid during covid. If they couldn’t uphold the Haq of Allah’s Houses during the PLANdemic, how can we trust them to fulfil the right (Haq) of our contributions? Furthermore, contributing and supporting such organizations (JUSA, Radio so-called ‘Islam’ and others) is tantamount to supporting their Haraam and un-Islamic activities such as appearing on Haraam TV, intermingling in the accursed TV-studios, intermingling on their ‘air-waves’, pushing for the KUFR interfaith filth, closing the Masaajid, allowing non-Muslim females into the Janaazah Salaah, etc.


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