Eid-ul-Adhaa Fair

Whilst Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam mentioned that the worst places on earth are the Souks (fetes, fairs and similar functions are included), we find that Muslims have begun to abuse the Pure and Holy Islamic Names for such merrymaking, Haraam and un-Islamic fetes.

Pre-Ramadhaan fetes and Eid Festivals have become common during the past few years.

And now, the misuse of the Word Qurbani for Qurbani Fairs and Fetes are in fashion.

True Muslims who have respect for Islamic Terms and Names need no explanation on the un-Islamic environment of such events because they will not even be present at such un-Islamic functions dubbed in Islamic Names.

However, the modernists and liberals love such platforms of Zina and sin–All in the Holy and Sacred Name of Qurbani!

Therefore, our appeal is to those Muslims who are interested in saving themselves and their families from deception and from falling prey to Shaitaan, to abstain and advise as many family members and friends as possible to do the same (and abstain) from such Fairs and Fetes like the Eid-ul-Adhaa Fair which is currently on in Gauteng.

Endorsed by

1.) Jamiatul Ulama Western Cape

📱WhatsApp: 0786058788

📧E-mail: muftis@jamiatululama.org.za

🖥Website: www.jamiatululama.org.za

2.) Jamiatul Ulama Johannesburg

📱WhatsApp (ONLY): 0786786713

📧E-mail: admin@jamiat.joburg

🖥 Website: www.jamiat.joburg

3.) Jamiatul Ulama Northern Cape

📧E-mail: ifta@jamiatnc.co.za

🖥 Website: www.jamiatnc.co.za

4.) Custodians of the Haq

📱 WhatsApp: 0766996004

📧 E-mail: custodiansofthehaq@workmail.co.za

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