Question: I have seen an election debate which will have its moderator a famous Maulana. Previously they had such a debate in Natal, now in Gauteng. Is it right?
Answer: Ignore who is the moderator and organizer of such baseless events. We have to see the solution to our future leaders in the light of the Hadith, not in debates.
Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, “Your deeds are your rulers.” Mishkaat
Hence, the Moulana and his organisation/s should use their time to educate the Ummah to rectify their deeds so that our rulers can be those with good qualities in them.
Debates in which many sins are committed will NOT change our future leaders, good deeds will. And for good deeds, the Ulama must educate the Ummah and state to them the Haq without fearing anyone.
The Ulama should educate to the Ummah of the sins they are committing to be Haraam, such as:
- TV, movies, You-Tube and Instagram videos
- Photography
- Un-Islamic clothing
- Wastage in weddings
- Funky and funny hairstyle of the youth
- Meats obtained from butchers who are supplied by abattoir who stun their animals are Haraam even if a Halaal logo is reflected on such meats
- Non performance of Salaah
- Etc.
Ulama should then educate the Ummah of what is Halaal, Sunnah and permissible.
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