Emojis / Smileys?

Question: Is it permissible to use/send emojis or smileys on WhatsApp etc.? Almost everyone using WhatsApp and other social media platforms uses them when sending messages. Even some ulema use them. Please comment.

Answer: In Islaam, ALL animated pictures and videos are totally impermissible and Haraam. We are not interested of which Molvi who has misunderstood or perhaps opted to be of shallow-mind in understanding this fact, by justifying digital photography/videos and TV. 

We are also not interested at which Molvi has issued what justification in his appearing on Haraam Devil’s Box (TV). The TV, together with the modern Molvis who appear on it as well as the channel on which they appear are all Haraam. These modern Molvis are in actual fact Mudhilleen (scholars who lead others astray). 

Regarding such scholars, Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam mentioned that he fears them more than Dajjal for the Ummah. They are the Aimmah-e-Mudhilleen.

With regards to emojis and smileys, they are Haraam to send on social media. Using them makes one sinful. The same sin of photography will be accrued by the one using such emojis/smileys which are  representations of smiling humanoid faces, etc.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

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