
 Image result for shopping14 Sha’baan 1440 / 20 April 2019

Sultan Bahu Fete, Rand Show Festival And Other Similar Shopping Sprees Dubbed In Islamic Names Like Pre-Ramadhaan Souks And Eid-Shopping Festivals

Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said once to Hadhrat Jibraeel Alaihis salaam: “O Jibraeel! Which land is evil?’ Jibraeel Alaihis salaam replied: ‘I do not know. I shall ask my Rabb Azza Wa Jal.’ Then Jibraeel Alaihis salaam departed and after some time returned and said: ‘O Muhammad! Verily, you had asked me: ‘Which land is evil?’ I had said that I do not know. I have asked my Rabb Azza Wa Jal: ‘Which land is evil?’ He said: “The souks of the land.” (Musnad Ahmad)

“If you can, never be the first to enter the souk nor be the last one to leave it, for verily, the souk is the battleground of Shaitaan. There he plants his flag.” (Muslim)

Alhamdulillah, we have issued some articles in the past regarding the evils at so-called ‘Islamic’ Souks and Shopping Sprees. While many shopping festivals are organized by Kuffaar, some are organized by Muslims! A perfect example is the Sultan Bahu Fete which is generally held during the April long weekend which is known as Easter.

Understand well, there is nothing Islamic and Halaal at the Sultan Bahu Fete, the annual Souk of Al-Ansaar in Durban, Dubai Souks, Eid-Shopping Festival etc. The mere usage of an Islamic name or Arabic name does not make an event filled with loads of sins, permissible. This is a Satanic tool of the organizers to mislead and dupe ignorant Muslims into the dens and traps of sins.

It does not behove of a sane Muslim to be interest in Fetes like the Sultan Bahu and Rand Show. Instead, he will derive maximum benefit of the Great Month of Sha’baan which we currently are in. A Muslim who seeks Jannah will use his free time in the long weekend in which he may perhaps be off from work, to prepare for Ramadhaan, by engaging in Ibaadat, Thikrullah, Du’a, Tilaawat etc. He will have NO time for Sultan Bahu Fete, Rand Show, Pre-Ramadhaan Souks and markets and Eid-Shopping Festivals!

The abovementioned Ahaadith mention that the Souks and Fetes are the most abhorred spots on earth and the battlegrounds of Shaitaan, therefore, Muslims should abstain from the Sultan Bahu Fete and Rand Show at all costs.

Remember, the 20th April 2019, which falls on a long weekend, will behold the great night of Nisf-e-Sha’baan, which is commonly known as Shab-e-Baraa’at – a night of salvation and freedom from the Fire of Jahannam.

Hence, a Muslim who seeks Jannah will not even have the Shaitaani whisper and thought, nor will it be of his wildest of dreams to go to the Sultan Bahu Fete or to the Rand Show, as well as to other markets and shopping sprees. Many Haraam actions take place there. The difference between Sultan Bahu Fete and Rand Show is that Sultan Bahu has a name appealing to Muslims – ‘Sultan’, which every Muslim who hears it understands that there is something to do with Muslims, Islam, etc. A Muslim will think that since the organizers are Muslims, perhaps the majority of the shoppers and stall-holders are Muslims, perhaps some Muslim women will have scarves on, others will have a Niqaab on, hence such an event is for Muslims and permissible.

While at the Rand Show, the organizers are Kuffaar, many of the customers will be Kuffaar, many stall-holders will be Kuffaar, many Kuffaar women may walk around in shameless dressing – loose and open hair, tight fitting clothing, semi-see-through clothes etc., hence there is nothing much of supporting ‘Muslims’ there.

We have discovered that among the organizers of Sultan Bahu, there is a female! This is NOT the teachings of Islaam! Women are NOT allowed to run the show/s! Women are NOT approved of being leaders and rulers, as mentioned in the Hadith! Just this much will suffice for a Muslim to understand that Sultan Bahu Fete is a Haraam Fete!

We have also issued a previous article stating that Sultan Bahu Hall was used to host a Haraam interfaith program in the name of ‘solidarity’ for New Zealand Muslims. Now think, O Ummati, can we support and attend a shopping event held at the grounds of the same group?

We should seriously think and scrutinize to see where our priorities are. Just few hours away from the Blessed Month of Ramadhaan, can we spend our leisure time running around in venues which are most abhorred by Allah Ta’ala?

Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, “Whoever increases the number of a gathering, is part of them and whoever is pleased with / approves an action of people will be a partner of those carrying out the deed.”


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