Girls Youth Program (Part 1)

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8 Safar 1441 / 7 October 2019

QUESTION: Kindly find attached poster about a Girls Youth Program. The logo of Jamiatul-Ulema South Africa appears on it, so I understand that they are organizing it. Are these type of programs allowed in Deen?

ANSWER: The doubt you have is actually the answer to your query. Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said,

وَالإِثْمُ مَا حَاكَ فِىْ صَدْرِكَ

“Sin is that what troubles the heart.” (Muslim)

Thus, since your heart was bothered into believing that such a program for girls which is sanctioned by Ulama is Halaal, it made you ask for clarity. This is sufficient proof for such a program to be Haraam. In all such Haraam programs which are approved and organized by Ulama, the hearts of Muslims with healthy Imaan will pass the correct Fatwa, as the Hadith says:

إِسْتَفْتِ قَلْبَكَ

“Seek a Fatwa from your heart.” (Daarimi)

Besides the above, there are many other factors which term the whole program Haraam.

Since the age of the girls called by the Jamiat of Fordsburg is 12+, these girls will be unmarried. Thus, the Hadith narrated in Nasaai mentions that among the three groups of people at whom Allah Ta’ala will NOT look at with Mercy on the Day of Qiyaamah, one of them is the cuckold (Dayyooth). A cuckold is that father (in this case), who doesn’t care which strange male looks at or/and chats to his daughter. There is no need for the girls to leave their home to attend this program. Thus, on the way to the venue, there may be many (strange) men who will see these young girls. Hence, the fathers will be cuckolds.

The Ulama who are the organizers of this event, are giving a very false teaching to the future Muslim wives, mothers and sisters. By arranging for an event for girls to come out in the name of some outdoor activities, the girls – future wives and mothers – will understand that for them to be outdoors is fine. Thus, such a program is indirectly giving the license for Muslim women to drive around town, go to school, study at universities, work in offices, pick-up and drop-off children and visit anyone and everyone by merely grabbing the car keys and vrooming away – without the consent and permission of their husbands (and fathers if they are unmarried).

Whereas, only a dire need allows Muslim women to leave her home. The following are few Ahaadith explaining this fact.

Remember, a girl of 12 years old is mature (Baaligah) in Islaam. Hence, the word ‘woman’, or ‘women’ applies to her as well.

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

  1. “Woman is Aurah (i.e. an object of concealment). When she emerges (from her home) Shaitaan casts surreptitious glances at her (to ambush her and use her for spreading Fitnah).” (Tirmizi)
  2. “But, they (women) should emerge in unattractive garments (should need force them to emerge)” (Abu Dawood)
  3. “A woman is closest to her Rabb when she is in the depth of her house.” (Tirmizi)
  4. “The likeness of a woman who is in adornment in a place other than her husband’s (or father’s, in the case of a daughter) is that of the darkness which will prevail on the Day of Qiyaamah. There is no Noor for her”. – (Mishkaat)

The strict Hijaab of the noble wives of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam):

Hazrat Aisha (Radhiyallahhu anha) said, “During the occasion of Hajjatul Wida (final Haj of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam-COH) when people (i.e. men) passed near to us, we (the ladies) would draw the Jilbaab over the head and the face. When they (the people) departed from us, we would open our faces”. (Abu Dawood)

After reading the above clear Ahaadith explaining that women may not leave their homes without valid reasons, how can such a program where Ulama call upon girls who are 12 years and above to leave their homes and encourage them to attend this outdoor program which they are arranging for, which is not Fardh, Waajib, Sunnah or even Nafl?

Thus, the Ulama organizing this program are acting totally against the Laws of Deen and the clear words of the Hadeeth Shareef. We wonder what is their understanding of Hijaab.

They are challenging the Laws of Deen regarding Hijaab and women remaining in their homes, which in turn means they are challenging Allah Ta’ala and His Rasool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

Abstain from such modern-thinking-Ulama with western ideologies. Abstain from gaining any Deeni advice and Rulings from them. They are not among the Ulama-e-Haq. They are leading the masses astray!

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