Girls Youth Program (Part 2)

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12 Safar 1441 / 11 October 2019

Girls Youth Program

An event organized by Jamiat Fordsburg

A daring event challenging the Laws of Allah Rab-bul Izzat!!!

The undeniable Law of our Deen regarding girls and women emerging from their homes is:

“And (O women) stay glued to your homes, and do not display yourselves like that of the time of Jaahiliyyah (ignorance).” (Ahzaab, Aayat 33)


We will, Insha Allah, produce the following points which will make every Haq-seeking Muslim and Muslimah aware as to why the outdoor event for girls is Haraam which the Jamiat Fordsburg has arranged for, or are part of the organizers of the event.

From the following points, one will learn that Muslim women are not allowed to attend the Masjid for any Fardh Salaah, despite it being a Fardh duty upon EVERY mature Muslim male and female. How then can a Jamiat of Ulama arrange for girls to come out of their homes for a youth program?

With that, the following points will break all the flimsy arguments of the Haraam ‘Mosque’ Open Days’ mob who allow women of all faiths and in any state (regarding Tahaarat or menstruating – Paak or Na-Paak) entry into the Masjid and transform them into ‘museums’!

  1. The Desire of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) regarding women in his era was to rather stay at home and perform their Salaah in their rooms:

Hazrat Umme Salmah (Radhiyallahu anha) reports from Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), “The best Masaajid for women are the innermost corners of their homes.” (Imaam Ahmad / Baihaqi / Kanzul Ummaal)

  1. The Fatwa of Ummul-Mu’mineen, Hazrat Aisha (Radhiyallahu anha):

If Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) knew what the women had innovated after him, he would have prevented them from the Masaajid just as how the women of Bani Israaeel were prohibited.” (Bukhari)

Note: A wife is one who knows her husband the best. Thus, the above shows that women would had been banned from the Masjid if Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was still alive when Hazrat Aisha (Radhiyallahu anha) said this.

Hazrat Aisha (Radhiyallahu anha)’s words, ‘what the women had innovated after him’, indicates that the women in her era, were not living fully according to the manner of the Sahaabiyaat who were in the era of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Yet, the era in which she said this, was an era in which there were still many Sahaabiyaat and pious Muslimahs who were embodiments of Taqwa and Hayaa and raised their children to become the future pious Imaams, Ulama-e-Haq and brave soldiers of the Deen.

What then can be said regarding arranging for a girls youth program in our era of Google, WhatsApp, Instagram, You-Tube, photography, selfies, immorality, Zina, modern Ulama, TV, legalizing Haraam as Halaal, branding Haraam chickens and wholesale meat as Halaal, Shi’ism, Salafi’ism, Bid’ah, Haraam Moulood/Meelaad and a host of such vices?

What would had been the cry of Hazrat Aisha (Radhiyallahu anha) if she was alive today and was made aware of a group of Ulama of Fordsburg arranging such a program for girls???

Let the modern Ulama who are among the arrangers of the girls youth program hang their heads in shame!

  1. The Fatwa of Hazrat Ibn Mas’ood (Radhiyallahu anhu):

“No woman performs a Salaat more beloved to Allah Ta`ala than (the Salaat which she performs) in the darkest corner of her home.” (Tabrani)

  1. The stance of Hazrat Ibn Mas’ood (Radhiyallahu anhu)

Hazrat Abu Amr Shaibaani reports that he saw Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood (Radhiyallahu anhu) expelling women from the Masjid on the day of Jumu’ah by throwing pebbles at them. (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah)

From the above, a sincere Muslim will not fail to understand that Muslim women are NOT allowed in the Masjid for any Fardh Salaah, how then can this organisation consisting of Ulama (rather, modern Ulama), arrange for a girls youth program?

It boggles our mind to digest that this Jamiat has stooped to the level of allowing young Muslim girls to leave the precincts and safety of their homes and attend a youth program – something which is not Fardh, nor Sunnah, nor Nafl, but Haraam!!!!

But it is not surprising, since this group of Ulama (modern Ulama) and their Jamiat are part of a so-called Radio station known as Radio ‘Islam’. On this radio station, they allow women to conduct programs in which they come on-air, speak in soft and attractive tones and voices, and at times even interview strange (non-Mahram) men on air, not to speak about interviewing (modern) Ulama!

After the passing of years in the above manner, the Ulama become desensitized to the Laws of Hijaab and observing Hijaab from female voices, hence they then arrange for girls youth programs.

The Role Of A Muslim Woman:

A Muslim girl should be taught the love for Hijaab, remaining at home – becoming a homely girl, not to talk to strange men – even if they are her male cousins, love to perform Salaah, love for Thikrullah, Durood Shareef, Istighfaar, and all the aspects of Deen from childhood. In short, she should be taught to develop love for this beautiful Deen. She should be told to listen to the recordings of the Bayaans of the Ulama-e-Haq. In this way, she will learn many important points of Deen as well, Insha Allah.

The father should ensure his daughter/s are taught basic Islamic knowledge which includes the recitation of the Qur’an Majeed with Tajweed. An environment of Deen, Ta’leem and learning Deen should be created in the homes.

Authentic Kitaabs on Fiqh, Seerat, Aqeedah and other similar topics should be given to one’s daughter/s to read. The mother should sit with her daughter/s and share her experiences in life which may benefit them. Regularly, the parents should advice their daughter/s. The mother should allow her daughter/s to observe how she (the mother) works in the kitchen, prepares meals lovingly for the family, bakes and cooks with care and love so that the daughter/s have guidelines and golden tips when they become wives and mothers one day – Insha Allah.

Laws pertaining to Wudhu, Ghusl, Haidh and Salaah as well as other general issues should be taught by the mother. When a doubt occurs, or the mother is unsure of a certain Law, she should ask the father to obtain clarity from a reliable Aalim-e-Haq. If this is not possible, they should write to a reliable Aalim or Mufti via e-mail, etc. These days we are able to correspond with reliable Ulama-e-Haq easily by means of technology.

Daughter/s should be taught to stay indoors. If from early childhood they are taught this, then it will become second nature to them. Then, to leave their home for no valid need will be abnormal to them. They will feel like ‘a fish out of the water’ and will desire to be home as soon as possible, and will try not leave their home for no valid need in the future again. Teach them to love their homes. Teach them that their place is the house. Teach them that their Izzat (respect and honour) is in their homes.

Don’t allow daughter/s to leave the house without her informing her parents and without a Mahram. Don’t allow daughter/s to sleepover at relatives’ houses – especially in this era and more importantly when the relatives are NOT interested in following the Deen!

Don’t allow daughter/s freedom to gadgets and technology. Don’t take daughter/s to parks and malls merely to pass Sunday afternoons. Teach them that a park is not a place for a Muslim girl/woman. Rather spend free days in some home activity which can keep them occupied.

When the above basic steps are followed, then Insha Allah, we see a promising future. Insha Allah, we then hope for obedient, homely, honest and Purdah-Nasheen (observers of proper Purdah) wives/mothers-to-be. Then, the case of a wife leaving her husband’s home in her own car to roam and loaf in town with friends will not occur.

Insha Allah, such a wife who will become a mother, will be a loyal wife to her husband and a perfect mother to her children, while having all the time of the day to give them a proper Islamic upbringing and full attention. Thus, our future children will be taught by their pious, homely mothers. Allahu-Akbar!

On the other hand, Ulama arranging such programs where they call girls (and women) out of their homes, gives a ‘license’ for women to think they may leave their homes when they want, since the organizers are ‘Ulama’. This is a wrong picture of Deen and Hijaab shown to our women by Ulama! Indeed, such are modern Ulama of the fraternity of the Ulama-e-Soo’ (evil misleading scholars).

May Allah Ta’ala guide this Ummah and protect it from the traps of Shaitaan and his agents in human forms, Aameen.



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