Giving Up Imaan…

Giving Up Imaan For A Christian Woman

Once, a Buzrug (pious man) visited a Christian country. There he saw a beautiful woman. He fell in love with her and asked to marry her. She said that she would marry him only if he became a Christian.

The unfortunate man (Buzruk) accepted Christianity.

After he accepted her religion at the hands of priests, she spat in the face of this new ‘reverend’ (the Buzrug who became a Murtad – apostate), and taunted him: “You are ruined. You abandoned the Deen of Haq for your lust. Now why should I not abandon the religion of Baatil (falsehood) to gain everlasting happiness?”

So saying, she declared her Imaan and recited: “Ash-hadullaa ilaha ill al laahu wa anna Muhammadar Rasulullaah.”

(Source: Subulas Salaam, page 45)