GP, MP & NW – Beware!

Gauteng, Mpumalanga & North West! Beware!

O Youth Of These Provinces & Towns! Be Warned!

Don’t Spoil The Sacred Days & Nights Of Dhul Hijjah With The ‘Deen’ Team’s Futility!

While there is so much of virtue narrated regarding the first ten days and nights of Dhul Hijjah, it is utterly sad – though not surprising – to note how the so-called ‘Deen’ Team is more interested in taking the attention of the youth away from Ibaadat into other total futile and useless activities and camps during these Blessed Days and Nights. Muslims with a very basic understanding of Deen, will feel awkward and weird to even go on holiday during the first ten Great Days and Nights of Dhul Hijjah. Muslims will have some sort of feelings and consciousness for these Great Days and Nights since the importance of this period is expected to be respected and appreciated by every Muslim. In fact, many Muslims are observed fasting on the first nine days of Dhul Hijjah! Many engage in some extra Ibaadat during the nights. Allahu-Akbar!

To the contrary, a poster of the so-called ‘Deen’ Team is clearly seen to have dated a futile ‘youth camp’ in the exact peak period of a Muslim’s calendar – the first ten Days and Nights of Dhul Hijjah! Where is the respect (Adab), appreciation and honour for this great peak period? What values are taught to our youth regarding the first ten Days and Nights of Dhul Hijjah? Just like how a businessman will not be interested in other activities during his busy and peak period in business, so too are Muslims expected to treat this Blessed and Peak period. These are days and nights of Ibaadat. Nafl Ibaadat like Saum, Tilaawat, Zikr, Taubah, Du’a and Durood Shareef should be made during the days and nights of this peak Ibaadat period. These are not days for arranging 5-day youth camps, dirt road quad biking, epic games and activities! In fact, the 5-days of futility are scheduled to terminate just moments before the day of Qurbani.

Whilst our Mashaa’ikh repeatedly explain how the days, nights and the moments prior to Qurbani should be used towards the build-up for Qurbani, to achieve a Spiritually Uplifting Qurbani, this Team is doing the direct opposite! How then will Qurbani day be spent with Taqwa, Zikr and with abstention from the scourge of sins? How will the youth be trained not to give-in to Nafs and Shaitaan on Eid’s day by abstaining from photographing and videoing their Qurbani, if the days and nights prior to Qurbani were not spent in a proper manner that will bear the correct and sweet fruits to enjoy on the Day of Eid?

How will the youth be taught the sweetness of lowering their gaze in the presence of non-Mahram females who may be parading with utter shamelessness (Be-Hayaai) – tight clothing, perfume, make-up and high heel shoes – at the Qurbani farms and venues, if the ‘thrill’, ‘fun’, ‘joy’ and ‘excitement’ of the quad bike’s engine is still zooooming in their ears? After riding the quad bikes, how will the ‘showing off’ levels be able to be dropped in the youth? How then on Eid’s day, the youth will be trained not to show off and give-in to Nafs and Shaitaan by hanging around with girls, striking up new Haraam friendships with new girls?

One should not be hoodwinked and deceived by the common slogans used such as ‘tarbiyah’, ‘spirituality coaching’, ‘character building’, etc. at such and other similar youth camps. One doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to ask the following questions: ‘What Tarbiyat can be made of the youth whilst they are on quad bikes, vrooooming and zoooooming away, leaving behind clouds of dust while their engines are revving at deafening decibels?’ ‘What Tarbiyat can be achieved while engaged in futility in the dark hours of the Great Nights, busy with ‘epic’ games, ‘fun’ and ‘activities’?’

Displaying hands coloured in the South African flag colours on the poster with the caption ‘youth month’, the so-called ‘Deen’ Team’s mimicking and imitating the Kuffaar has become evident. While the Deen of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) discourages imitating a nation (Kuffaar) lest one will be raised with them, we wonder from whence does the so-called ‘Deen’ Team’s imitating the West in their ‘youth month’ slogan stem from? Forget just the slogan being a mimicking of the Kuffaar, the entire youth camp is Tashabbuh bil Kuffaar! With just a few changes to the line-up and activities to keep the theme ‘Islamic’, the rest of such camps, adventures, Haraam tournaments, zip-lining events, etc. are precisely as the Kuffaar arrange and host them. This is exactly as the famous Hadith warns of following the Kuffaar into the lizard’s hole.

Which Deen are they following? Where in the Deen of this Ummah does ‘youth month’ feature, for which a ‘youth camp’ has to be organized to indirectly ‘celebrate’ and imitate the West/Kuffaar, under the banner of ‘Deen’.

If this is not prevented and the Ummah is not alerted to this now, then soon, a futile and Haraam camp could be designed by ‘Muslims’ under ‘Islamic’ banners, themes and intentions for fathers with a sly slogan of ‘father’s day’ peeping somewhere from the corners of those posters. The same can be said for mother’s day. What about the Haraam and accursed ‘Pride Month’? Could a camp be arranged in the future for ‘people’ who celebrate this month?

While Muslims of basic Islamic knowledge will try to abstain from going for a holiday during the beginning of Dhul Hijjah, even if it may be a holiday period, the so-called Team dubbed as ‘Deen’ will be zooooming and vroooooming away with their quad bikes on dirt roads during the very Great and Blessed Days of Dhul Hijjah. While many Muslims will be illuminating the Great Nights of Dhul Hijjah which holds the virtue of Laylatul Qadr via the means of the Noor and Barakaat of some extra Ibaadat, the Team will perhaps be frittering away the valuable nights’ hours, minutes and seconds in so-called ‘epic’ futile camp games and activities, resulting in a total load-shedding of the Noor of the nights of Dhul Hijjah.

The poster is also noted to be bearing a picture of a quad biker riding his quad bike – the fad of every youngster! The Deen of the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) dictated animate pictures to be Haraam. The quad biker’s outline of the head is anti-Deen. This shows that the ‘Deen’ Team doesn’t subscribe to the Fataawa of our Akaabireen and current Ulama-e-Haq of such pictures to be Haraam. Further proving this point is their regular posting of animate videos wherein their members are videoed during their activities. Even the ‘scholars’ that they associate with, are videoed! This shows who they are aligned with – not with the Ulama-e-Haq!

In order to refresh the virtues of the first ten Days and Nights of Dhul Hijjah, the following should be noted:

  • Allah Ta’ala has taken an Oath on the ten nights of Dhul Hijjah.
  • Numerous Ahaadith explain how valuable Ibaadat is during these days and nights.
  • Each night is equal to Laylatul-Qadr! Imagine, the same reward one gets if one finds Laylatul-Qadr is promised for Ibaadat made for EACH of the first ten nights of Dhul Hijjah.
  • Each day’s fast of the first nine days of Dhul Hijjah is equal to the fast of a complete year.
  • The Day of Arafat is a day in which the Ummah is encouraged to fast. This day’s fast expiates the sins of the previous year, as well as the coming year.

After reading the above virtues, how can anyone whose priorities are placed in the right direction, ever allow his/her children to join such futile youth-camps?

Abstain from ALL youth-camps! Much futility and un-Islamic activities, accompany them! Rather, join the company of the Ulama-e-Haq who will teach us Deen in its correctness and purity!

Stay away from all activities, camps, competitions, groups and organisations that are involved in Haraam photography, videography and who are aloof from the Ta’leem and Naseehat of our Akaabireen and Ulama-e-Haq!

Parents of our youth – especially the parents from the towns targeted for such youth camps, viz. Lenasia, Middelburg, Klerskdorp, etc. – should be wary of sending their children for all such and similar activities!

Even if there is free transport available, don’t let our youth be distracted from the virtues, greatness and honour of the days and nights of Dhul Hijjah by allowing them to go and engage in futility!

It is indeed extremely beneficial, profitable and great to spend just two minutes on the Musallah in some form of Ibaadat, rather than spending thirty minutes on a dirt road quad biking! This will only be appreciated and accepted by those whose priorities are set straight – those whole Deeni alignment is straight!

Such activities may lead to the youth turning everything into a ‘camp’, in the future. Imagine, even Qurbani could be turned into a camping adventure on the farms! Even important Islamic activities could be turned into a camp! Even your Janaazah – Kafan, Dafan, etc. – could be turned into a camp!

Hence, it is imperative that parents discourage their children from attending such camps, adventures, zip-linings, etc.

May Allah Ta’ala protect the youth – the future Ummah – of such La-Ya’nee (futile) activities themed under ‘Islamic’ banners, Aameen.

After all, a guarantee of a spot reserved under the shade of the Arsh of Allah Ta’ala on Qiyaamat’s Day has been given to the youth that spend their youth in Ibaadat. How can the youth miss the opportunity of Ibaadat during the days and nights of Dhul Hijjah and instead opt to quad bike on dirt roads?!

(To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link:

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