Hilaal TV – Another Haraam Accursed TV
Question: Please comment on the TV channel called Hilaal TV. Ulema are also on board, and seem to appear on it. I think that the same Ulema that appeared on ITV, are now appearing on this Hilaal TV. Is it permissible to watch Hilaal TV?
Answer: Hilaal TV, just like any TV channel, is HARAAM.
TV involves picture-making. Regarding this picture-making – whether digital or drawn by hand – severe warnings have been sounded in the Ahaadith Shareef. A famous Hadith warns of the severest punishments to be meted out to those who get involved in picture-making on the Day of Qiyaamah (Bukhari Shareef).
History has painted a bleak picture of picture-making leading man to commit the major sin of Shirk – idol worshipping.
It is the 1400-year-old Fatwa of the Shari’ah clearly stating that ALL picture-making – no matter the means of making them – remains HARAAM, no matter which scholars declare them as permissible with whatever research they may offer. This Fatwa is diligently followed, proclaimed and upheld by our pious Akaabir Ulama-e-Haq.
Alhamdulillah, our pious Akaabir Ulama-e-Haq of South Africa have discussed photography, TV, etc. in detail in their weekly Majaalis. This clearly shows how opposed our true, righteous and pious senior Ulama are against the ways of Shaitaan who has lured people known to be scholars to appear on Dajjaal’s studio – i.e., the accursed and HARAAM TV.
In this day and age, listen and follow the guidance offered to us by our senior and pious Ulama-e-Haq. We will, Insha Allah, most definitely, be saved from the deceptive traps and baits of Shaitaan with which he wishes to mislead man by adhering to the teachings of our Ulama-e-Haq.
We make Du’a that just like how iTV crashed, so too must Hilaal TV crash very soon, Aameen.
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