One night Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi (rahmatullah alayh) saw in a dream that Shaitaan was strutting naked in the market place.
Hadhrat Junaid said to Shaitaan:
“O accursed one! Have you no shame? You strut about in nude in the presence of innumerable people.”
Shaitaan replied:
“O Hadhrat! Undoubtedly, I do have shame for
human beings. But these beings are not human beings. In fact, they are worse than animals. Do you not remember the aayat of the Qur’aan? ‘They are like animals – in fact they are more astray (than animals).’ ” – Surah A’raaf, aayat 179.
In surprise, Hadhrat Junaid said: “Who are human beings and where are they?”
Shaitaan responded:
“Human beings are like the three men who are at this moment engrossed in ibaadat in Musjid Shuneeziyah.
They are totally absorbed in Divine Love. I had employed a thousand snares to entice them, but despite all my efforts, failed to trap them. They did not lift an eye to see which dog is barking.”
Hadhrat Junaid’s eyes opened. Although it was just past midnight, he hastened to the Musjid.
On arriving there he observed three men engrossed in Allah’s
Hearing his footsteps, one of them raised his head and said:
“O Junaid! What do you believe that everything which that maloon (accursed) said is true?”
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