Hazrat Maalik Bin Dinaar And The Captain

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Once Hazrat Maalik Bin Dinaar Rahmatullahi alaih got into a ferry boat. When the boat was in the middle of the river, the captain of the boat asked for the fee which Maalik Bin Dinaar was unable to tender. The captain mercilessly beat him until he became unconscious.

When he revived, the captain threatened to throw him overboard if he failed to make payment. By the Command of Allah Ta’ala, a shoal of fish surfaced. Each one had a Dinaar (gold coin) in its mouth. Hazrat Maalik took one Dinaar and handed it to the captain who fell at his feet ashamed, profusely apologizing.

Hazrat Maalik stepped off the boat and walked away on the surface on the water until he was out of sight.

(Source: Scattered Pearls)

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