A closer look into the exclusive event of Hazrat Umar Radhiyallahu anhu slaughtering a camel upon his completion of Surah Baqarah…
To properly understand and comprehend this exclusive event, which was never practiced before or after by any Sahaabi or Salaf, we need to firstly look at the context in which it is discussed in the Kutub.
In Tafseer Qurtubi, this incident is mentioned under the following: “Chapter: (discussing) Studying and understanding the Kitaab of Allah, and the Sunnat of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). (Also discussing that) Indeed it was easier for the predecessors to practice on it (the Qur`aan Majeed), than to memorise it.”
It is further mentioned under the same topic, “Indeed Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to recite to them (Sahaabah) ten Aayaat. They would not proceed further to the next ten (Aayaat) until they learnt (not memorised, but understood) and practiced on them.
(A Sahaabi) states, ‘He (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would teach us the (words of the) Qur`aan and (also how to) practice upon it, at the same time.’
Abdur Razzaaq reports from Ma`mar from A`ta ibn Saa`ib from Abi Abdir Rahmaan Sulami, who said, ‘We would learn (study) ten Aayaat from the Qur`aan, (but) would not learn the next ten Aayaat, until we recognised its halaal and haraam, and its commands and prohibitions.’ It is mentioned in Muwatta Maalik that it reached him (Imaam Maalik) that Abdullah Ibn Umar (radhiallahu anhu) tarried with Surah Baqarah for eight years, studying it.”
[NOTE: Here it is mentioned that the son of Hadhrat Umar (radhiallahu anhu) took 8 years to study Surah Baqarah, BUT there is no mention anywhere that he also followed his father’s example and slaughtered a camel!]
Mirdaas bin Muhammed abi Bilaal Al-Ash`ari states, ‘Maalik reported from Naafi` from Ibn Umar, who said, ‘Umar learnt (not memorised) (Surah) Baqarah over a period of 12 years. When he completed the Surah, he slaughtered a camel.’
Abdullah Ibn Mas`ood (radhiallahu anhu) said, “It was difficult for us to memorise the words of the Qur`aan, but it was easy for us to practice upon them. Indeed those who will come after us will find it easy to memorise the Qur`aan, but it would be difficult for them to practice upon it.”
Mujaahid reports from Ibn Umar, who said, “The senior companions of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) from amongst the pioneers of this Ummat, would not memorise the Qur`aan Majeed except a Surah or similar (to a Surah). However they were blessed with practicing on the Qur`aan. The children and blind ones from the latter part of this Ummat would recite the Qur`aan Majeed but they will be deprived of practicing upon it.”
Our Comment: These days, many justify their feasting after a ‘Jalsah’ with the slaughtering of a camel by Hazrat Umar Radhiyallahu anhu. However, the above explanation will be adequate for any Muslim interested in learning to see that one should totally avoid such feasts, Dawats and invites upon the completion of Jalsahs etc.
(Source: Jamiatul Ulama Johannesburg)
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