Helping The Needy Ones…

Are you a financially rich person?


If Allah has endowed you with plenty of wealth then use that wealth in the way that would please Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala says in the Noble Qur’an Kareem, in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:274):


“Those who spend their wealth [in Allah’s way] by night and by day, secretly and publicly – they will have their reward with their Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.”


One of the ways of spending your money in a way that would please our Creator is To help the needy ones.


Remember, the needy ones are not only the poor, the penniless, and the destitute ones.


The needy ones are also the ones who, at times, find themselves in very desperate situations when they are financially incapable to fight certain unpleasant incidents that might have suddenly occurred in their lives.


At times we hear of people going through major problems when being stuck by a serious disease, treatment of which consumes lots of money or at the instance of undergoing a major and very expensive surgery.


Then there are some people who go through financial calamities caused by an accident or by a major theft or by a very severe fire.


Then there are some who face great losses in business. While others suddenly lose their jobs.


Or if they face any other financial calamity, then we as Muslims, we have to help them financially as much as we are capable of!


Being caring and compassionate for one’s fellow human beings is one of the pivotal parts of Islam. When reading the Qur’an, one cannot help being struck by the number of times charity is mentioned in it:


Feeding the poor and needy, supporting orphans, relatives and travelers, spending in the way of Allah… All of these references emphasise the importance of charity for every Muslim.


Several Ahadith of the Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam also refer to this deep affection and brotherhood:


“You will not believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself.”


“The believers are like one body in their mutual love and affection: if one limb is injured, the rest respond with sleeplessness and fever.”


If a Muslim feels the pain of his or her fellow human being, and wishes the same comfort and good life for others which he wishes for himself, it is a natural reaction to give in charity, to ease this suffering.


Islam highlights the responsibility to give your wealth away selflessly.


Remember, every blessing that we have in this life comes from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. We must not hoard our wealth and blessings but instead recognise that He wishes for us to be compassionate and share our provisions with others without pride.


Besides distributing Zakat to the poor ones, which is mandatory for all Muslims, we have to help the needy ones if we have the financial ability to do so.


Always keep in your mind the fact that in the Qabr your wealth will be of no use to you. Only the good deeds, including helping the needy ones, will be of help to you!

Oh the rich ones! Wake up and help the needy ones!

By: Haqqseeker

…and Allah Ta’ala knows Best!