How To Spend Shab-e-Baraa’at – The 15th Night Of Sha’baan?
“When it is the 15th night of Sha’baan, stand in Qiyaam (Nafl Salaah) in the night, and fast during the day, and ask for forgiveness (make Istighfaar). Because on that night Allah Ta’ala descends to the Samaa-ud-Dunya (the first sky) from sunset and announces, ‘Is there anyone who is asking for forgiveness so that I can forgive them? Is there anyone who needs Rizq that I may give him Rizq? Who is in distress that I may relieve his distress?’ And this continues till the morning.” (Ibne Maajah)
Hadhrat Aisha (Radhiyallahu anha) says that Nabi (Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Allah descends to the Samaa-ud-Dunya (the first sky) on the fifteenth night of Sha‘baan and He Forgives more people than the number of hair on the goats of the Banu Kalb tribe.” (Tirmizi)
“On this night the birth of those who will be born (till the following 15th Sha’baan) is written. The death of those who will pass away (till the following 15th Sha’baan) is written. On this night, the A’maal of everyone is risen (i.e. the books of deeds from the previous year’s 15th Sha’baan to this night are taken to the Heavens and new books are given to the angels who record our actions). On this night, (everyone’s) Rizq (sustenance, wealth etc.) is written.” (Baihaqi)
The above Ahaadith are sufficient for any serious and sincere Mu’min and Mu’minah to treat, respect and honour Shab-e-Baraa’at – also known as Laylatul-Baraa’at, which means the night of salvation – by spending the night in a little extra Nafl Ibaadat. On the contrary, it will be foolish of a person to while away his/her time browsing on the internet, browsing online shopping sites and apps, chatting away on social media, playing games, downloading and uploading unbeneficial things, etc. on this auspicious night.
Imagine, while in the skies Allah Ta’ala is deciding, stipulating, recording and fixing our quota of life, Rizq, etc. of each one of us, as well as wanting to forgive those who are making Istighfaar, wanting to give whatever anyone is seeking, yet on the surface of the earth, we are involved in futile deeds, online activities, chatting, and even worse, involved in sins!
Let us honour this night which comes as a double bonus this year in the sense that Shab-e-Baraa’at coincides with the night of Jumu’ah – Thursday night. While we suppose to honour Jumu’ah nights with abundance of Durood Shareef, Shab-e-Baraa’at coinciding with Jumu’ah night is indeed a double bonus not to be missed! Only a person who doesn’t have his priorities in order, will while away the night of Baraa’at in watching HARAAM TV, accursed You-Tube videos, listening to Shaitaani radios (like Radio Islam), wasting time on his phone, etc.!