Important Clarification!

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11 Shawwaal 1441 / 4 June 2020

Clarification Of Our Name

Don’t be misled!

We are aware of an article titled ‘social distancing’ making its rounds last week. This article discusses the topic of social distancing in Salaah.

Regarding this article, as well as the topic it discussed, we would like to inform one and all of the following:

  1. Our full name is ‘Custodians of the Haq’ – note the manner of spelling.
  2. Our acronym is ‘COH’ – i.e. abbreviation of ‘Custodians of the Haq’.
  3. Our articles display our logos as seen on this article.
  4. Our propagation is – with the Tawfeeq of Allahthe Haq, even though bitter.
  5. Our stance on ‘social distancing’ in Salaah is that it is Haraam to do so.

To those who have been reading our articles, they would be familiar with our way of writing and our stance on various issues. To them, the deceptive article with a similar name to ours would be debunked without a need for us to issue any clarification. However, since our articles are circulated, thereby many new readers could be misled with the deceptive article, making them think and conclude that we had issued that article and that is our stance, therefore we have seen the need to issue this clarification.

We appreciate the many queries we received from almost all corners of South Africa, asking for clarification on that deceptive article, as to whether it was issued by us or not. Alhamdulillah, indeed, this was heartening! May Allah Ta’ala reward each and every concerned person.

It is also comforting to us to note that similar false articles and messages were issued in the name/s of other Ulama-e-Haq and their organisations. Thus, this is nothing new, as the Haq is always detested by Shaitaan and his agents.  

May Allah Ta’ala have mercy on this Ummah, and unite this Ummah upon the Haq. May He also give us the eyes to see Baatil and the people of Baatil, Aameen.

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