In Allah’s Care

Hadhrat Fudhail Bin Iyaadh Rahmatullah alaih had two young unmarried daughters. At the time of his death, he said to his wife: “After my burial take both daughters to Mount Bu Qabees. Turn your face to the heaven and supplicate: O Allah! Fudhail has instructed me to say that as long as he was alive he had cared for the trust of these daughters to the best of his ability. Now that You have imprisoned him in the grave, he has returned the Trust to you.”

After the burial, Fudhail’s wife fulfilled his Wasiyyat (bequest). While she was supplicating to Allah Ta’ala on the mountain, pouring out her heart, the king of Yemen with his entourage which also included his two sons, happened to pass by the spot where Fudhail’s wife was supplicating quiet oblivious of the presence of the king.

The king had listened to her supplications. He asked her to explain her circumstances. After she did, the king proposed that his sons be married to Hadhrat Fudhail’s daughters. The proposal was accepted, and the two daughters were married to the king’s sons.

Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’aan Shareef: “Whoever fears Allah, He grants him Rizq from an unexpected source, and He opens up for him an avenue.”

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