Is UUCSA An Umbrella Body?

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13 Ramadhaan 1441 / 7 May 2020

Is Uucsa An Umbrella Body?

‘UUCSA’ said: “The united ulama council of south Africa (uucsa), an umbrella body representing nine ulama formations in South Africa took a majority-decision (eight out of nine) to become Amicus Curiae (a friend of the court). The Jamiatul Ulama KZN did not support the decision.”

  1. While uucsa represents ONLY ‘nine Ulama formations in South Africa’, this number is less, very less, compared to the scores of Ulama in South Africa and the hundreds of Deeni institutes (Masaajid/Musallahs included). Uucsa is just a handful of men who run the show. Many of the bodies part of them are there just as ‘rubber stamps’. They are like ‘puppets’ who ‘dance’ to the tune of the gentlemen who run the show.
  2. In short, uucsa appears to be run by Bham, Yusuf Patel, their Church-President and a ‘ghost’ – for their damage control unsigned statements – and perhaps a few others. Because majority of the time, these gentlemen are handling the matters. What is the role of the others?
  3. The senior Ulama, Muftis and Principals of major Darul-Ulooms of South Africa have NOT agreed with this stance of uucsa – i.e. going to court as friends of the Kuffar! This shows that uucsa does NOT comprise of the senior Ulama of SA.
  4. Their claim of ‘majority-decision (eight out of nine)’ is a LIE which we have already dealt with in a previous article. Two of their bodies never agreed to go to court. And both these bodies have issued their public statements to clarify this!
  5. Uucsa should explain as to who really is ‘Ulema Congress Eastern Cape’. Some senior Ulama-e-Haq have claimed that this ‘body’ of theirs is a non-entity.
  6. By uucsa’s decision of becoming friends of the court, they have Islamically become enemies of Allah! This is because they entered the courtroom as the court’s friends to FIGHT and OPPOSE the performing of the Fardh Salaahs in the Masaajid. The enemies of Allah slave and slog to ban the Fardh Salaah in the Masaajid, not Allah’s Friends! Rather, the friends of Shaitaan and the likes of Abu Jahl – as mentioned in Surah ‘Alaq (Surah 96) – prevent Allah’s Slaves from performing Salaah. It is NOT the ‘Shaan’ (dignity and nature) of a Mu’min to become an obstacle for others in performing Salaah.
  7. The sole purpose of uucsa’s going to the court as the enemies of Allah – friends of the Kuffar – was to oppose the Applicants who requested the opening of the Masaajid.
  8. In the court, uucsa’s lawyers stood and pleaded with the judge NOT to ALLOW the opening of the Masaajid!

Do you still trust uucsa despite their shenanigans?

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