Islamising Televangelism

What is Televangelism?


Televangelism: ‘the activity of preaching (=giving religious speeches) on television in order to persuade people to become Christians and give money to religious organizations’


In the name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful


Every authentically established word of the final Nabī, Sayyidunā Muḥammad Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam is true. Muslims around the world witness his blessed words materialising before their eyes literally every moment. As we edge closer to Qiyāmah, this is becoming clearer and clearer.


Sayyidunā Muḥammad Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam taught pure Tauḥīd, Khatm-un-Nubuwwah, and firm belief in the afterlife. The teaching of every Nabī of Allāh – may Allāh Ta’ālā send his unlimited benedictions and blessings upon the entire galaxy of the Ambiyā’ ‘alayhim as-salām – covered Tauḥīd, Risālat, and Ākhirat. None of the Ambiyā’ ‘alayhim as-salām taught polytheism or a mixture of monotheism with polytheism, or, bringing Tauḥīd and Shirk onto the same platform, sanctioning both as a means of salvation. We seek the protection of Allāh Ta’ālā from the filth and muck of interfaith.


Sayyidunā Muḥammad Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam – the final Nabī of Allāh – also informed us that the Muslim Ummah will follow in the footsteps of the previous nations, step by step, and will do all that they did. These warnings from the best of the creation are not simply pieces of information to enjoy over a cup of tea, but they are realities that must be heeded to and things we must stay away from – at all cost.





When we look at the televangelism concept in Protestant Christianity, we find that Muslims in different parts of the world are doing the same, verbatim! From its very name, the reality of Protestantism is revealed. Protestants had ‘protested’ against Roman Catholicism, they broke away, wanted independence, freedom, and desired not to be bridled by the Church clergy anymore.





In exactly the same way, the modernist Muslim clergy have adopted televangelism, only with an Islāmic twist and flavour. The Muslim televangelists, in line with their protestant colleagues, also oppose the traditional teachings of Islām. However, in Islām, there is no case of Masjid and State that parallels the old Church and State concepts.


In Christianity, the clergy took the place of the deity, and what they said was final, even if it conflicted with the scripture. In Islām, the ‘Ālim or the Shaykh or the Muftī does not have the final say, especially if it is in opposition to what the Noble Qur’ān or the Blessed Aḥādīth dictate. The ‘Ālim, Shaykh or Muftī himself must adhere to the scripture. There is no scope in Islām for any human being to change divine law.


The modernist Muslim clergy follow in the footsteps of the Christian clergy and dictate their word as final to the common Muslims – even if it is in total conflict with the Noble Qur’ān and the Blessed Aḥādīth. Hence, the word of the modernist Muslim clergy is dismissed as bunkum because there is no obedience to the creation when it conflicts with obedience to the creator.





The roots of Christian Zionism are traced to the Protestants of the 16th and 17th centuries. For hundreds of years, Christians and Jews were arch enemies. The Christians persecuted Jews, killed them, and blamed them for all the evil and wrong in the world. Slowly, but surely, from an inferior position, the Jews worked their way into convincing the Christian world that the Jews are not their arch enemy anymore. Now, the world has become a total different scene. The Protestants led the Christian world into believing that they must serve the cause of the Zionists, from their previous position of looking at the Jews as the arch and eternal enemy.





Just as the Jews convinced the Christians into changing their enmity into love, in the same way, the Jews have now convinced the Muslims to serve the cause of Zionism. The Muslims in various parts of the world that engage in interfaith are the ones serving the Zionist cause. Zionism entered into the Muslim community through the door of the Baha’i religion – a religion that preaches unity of religions, with their headquarters situated in Haifa, modern-day Israel.





The modernist Muslim clergy that have turned to televangelism as a means of ‘da’wah and outreach’ are simply tools in the hands of the Zionists whose function is turn the opinion of the genuine Muslim into one that favours Zionism. The Muslim televangelists adopt the same path as their protestant mates, bringing the Masjid programs onto the big screen at brightly lit decorated halls and venues, with glitter and glamour – all in order to please the Zionist master. The Protestants twisted the beliefs of Christianity, whilst the Muslim Televangelists follow suit.





Christian televangelists broadcast their services from massive halls and buildings, and ask their audiences for donations, which go into millions of dollars each year, for the pastors to enjoy a life of mansions, fleets of luxury cars, jets, security, and the rest of the ‘prosperity’ that they preach to others – but practically suck out of their thumbs.


Muslim televangelists abuse their name and fame, utilising it as a ‘proof’ of the sharī’ah to justify their own treachery towards the Muslim Ummah. All those who raise their voices in objection to this transgression are brushed off as ‘controversial’ and ‘extreme’, just as the Zionists brush off and criminalise others as ‘anti-Semitic’.


Televangelism comes with all of the vicious scandals found in Hollywood; drugs, money, adultery, murder, entertainment until the early hours of the morning, mockery of religion, and criticism of the divine.


The Protestants started televangelism, and the Muslim modernist clergy are falling headlong into the very same valley of filth and destruction. The Protestants are the best friends of the Zionists, and the modernist Muslim clergy are no different. Although the modernist Muslim clergyman looks ‘traditional’, he is fully immersed in spreading friendship for the Zionists.


From mega mosques, the Muslim clergy spew their filth against the blessed teachings of Sayyidunā Muḥammad Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, preaching free-mixing, interfaith, consumption of ḥarām, indulging in ḥarām, adultery, and other vices – all the while fleecing the unwary public, who attend in the thousands until the late hours of the night, and early hours of the morning. To Allāh do we belong and to him is our return.


From a concerned Muslim Brother, with the welfare of the Ummah at heart