JUSA Is NOT Reputable – Part 2

JUSA Is NOT A Reputable Organisation!


In the audio clip received, Ml Raghie is heard saying:

“It is concerning, that there seems to be a malicious attempt to even degrade anything that comes from reputable organisation. And I’m talking now, I’m being a bit more frank. It is concerning that there seems to be a malicious attempt to degrade anything that comes from the Jamiatul Ulama South Africa.”

(End of the clip)

OUR COMMENT: Ml Raghie’s usage of the word ‘reputable organisation’ requires a further explanation in order not to confuse matters here.

A reputable organisation, in brief, stands for, condones, promotes, upholds and propagates the Shari’ah in its Pure and Pristine Teachings. Forget an entire organisation, any Aalim or Mufti who lives up to this standard, is a reputable Moulana or Mufti Saahib.

To the contrary, any Aalim, Mufti, Shaykh or organisation that waters down the Shari’ah, conceals important and pertinent matters of the Shari’ah, condones and promotes ideas that go against the grain of the Shari’ah, is persistent or habitual in discarding Sacred and basic Laws of the Shari’ah especially in public domain, legalizes what has been prohibited in the Shari’ah, etc. is NOT and can NEVER be a reputable organisation, Moulana or even a Mufti/Shaykh.

In his statement above, is Ml Raghie referring to JUSA when he says ‘reputable organisation’? If so, then he has grossly erred in his statement in defence of JUSA.

JUSA is not a reputable organisation in the Shari’ah because of the following basic twelve points – there are dozens of more points, however, we shall suffice with the following ten:

  1. JUSA’s members appear on TV and legalize photography.
  2. They allow women to air their voices on Radio so-called ‘Islam’.
  3. They legalize Haraam chickens such as Rainbow, Earlybird, etc.
  4. They attend functions and funerals where intermingling of the sexes takes place.
  5. They attend funerals and memorials of Kuffaar and indulge in interfaith prayers there.
  6. They sit side-by-side with priests, pundits, gurus, rabbis, bishops, etc.
  7. They and their secretary general supports Haraam Kuffaar sports.
  8. They allow non-Muslims entry into our Eidgahs and Masaajid.
  9. They support secular education, especially for girls to attend universities.
  10. They promoted the Haraam covid vaccines.
  11. They called for the CLOSURE of the Masaajid even before lockdown.
  12. They introduced satanic protocols in Allah’s Houses during covid.

Hence, Ml Raghie, who is also a JUSA-member, should note the above important clarification. The Ummah should NOT be duped into believing JUSA to be reputable in the Shari’ah! Nay, never! Currently, they are more anti-Shari’ah than being pro-Shari’ah. Therefore, the Ummah should avoid JUSA at all costs. Since 2020, they have lost all reliability and credibility in the Shari’ah. Not only them, anyone else that supported for the Masaajid NOT to open, are of the same flock.

The Divine and Promised Disgrace ever since closing down Allah’s Houses in 2020 are slowly but surely becoming apparent. JUSA and its secretary general are commonly in the limelight where bold statements which they had made, are being flung back on their faces. Insha Allah, we shall elaborate on this in the future.

Closing down Allah’s Houses before it became law, strips off any iota of reputability one may have had prior to that. And JUSA is indeed guilty of this major crime, since they were in the fore to call for the suspension and closure of the Masaajid before lockdown.

Adopting the company of the Ulama-e-Haq is extremely beneficial. In the company of the Ulama-e-Haq, one is safeguarded from deviation.

May Allah Ta’ala grant each one of us the Tawfeeq to see through the true colours of JUSA, UUCSA, Radio ‘Islam’, and all other scholars and organisations linked with them and who support them, Aameen.

May Allah Ta’ala grant JUSA-UUCSA Hidaayat to publicly retract from all their malicious attempts of degrading His Deen, especially since the Masjid court case in 2020, Aameen.

JUSA us not a reputable organisation at all!

Their open destroying of the Laws of the Deen makes them unreliable in the Shari’ah!

Muslims should not be duped into considering JUSA to be a reputable organisation!

Any organisation, Shaykh, Mufti or Moulana that supported for the closure of the Masaajid is stripped off any reputability he may have had, unless an open and clear Taubah and apology is made!

To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/JUSA-is-NOT-reputable-Pt-2.pdf

To read PART 1, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/jusas-malicious-attempts-part-1/

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