JUSA Was And Is Pro-Vaccines!

29 Sha’baan 1442 / 12 April 2021

JUSA Was And Is Pro-Vaccines – The Devil’s-Dajjaali Poisonous Potion!

Announcing the importance of EATING Halaal and Tayyib (wholesome), Allah Rabbul Izzat instructs ALL HUMAN BEINGS, BELIEVERS and ALL HIS AMBIYAA (Alaihimus salaam):

“O People! Eat of the lawful and pure things of the earth.” (Baqarah, Aayat 168)

“O Believers! Eat from the pure things We have provided for you.” (Baqarah, Aayat 172)

“O Messengers! Eat from the pure things.” (Mu’minoon, Aayat 51)

As expected, JUSA’s executive committee issued a recent statement which has laid bare their true colours once more for all who possess just a little Imaani-vision to see. Remember, over the past few months, JUSA has invented a total ‘new anti-Shari’ah Deen’ which conforms to those whom they attempt to please all the times. Since the accursed court case which they befriended in which they pleaded to the judge to keep the Masaajid SHUT in Ramadhaan last year, we have noticed the ‘change’ of style of JUSA ending off some of their statements in the sense of the absence of specific signatories and names at the bottom. This vaccine statement of theirs is one of them!

Whilst Wifaaqul-Ulama (South Africa) issued a statement calling for caution of the covid vaccines, JUSA and its executive committee has done what was expected – ‘recommend’ vaccines, which minus them being GENUINELY Halaal, they are poisonous, harmful and filled with inhumane ingredients! It comes with absolute no surprise to note JUSA’s active participation in this Dajjaal’s agenda of the poisonous, harmful and HARAAM vaccines!

It appears that UUCSA-JUSA are ‘plagued’ with a deadly ‘virus’ called ‘pleasing the government at all times at the expense of the Shari’ah’. This ‘disease’ is far more dangerous and deadly than any other physical disease on earth, since this directly affects Imaan! Whilst outwardly it may appear that they are ‘healthy’ or ‘safe’, inwardly the Imaan in the heart seems to be drastically affected and polluted. Thus, for mere limited worldly ‘favours’, ‘honour’, ‘good-books’, ‘benefits and advantages’ and ‘Rands’ (etc.) they may get from the government by pleasing them, it is not worth it considering how the Deen has to be sold to achieve this. Also, the doom and destruction one causes to one’s Maut, Qabr and Aakhirat is very critical – far more critical than ‘covid’ patients on ventilators in the ICU!

Since UUCSA-JUSA were the ones who ‘danced to the tune’ of the Kuffaar/atheist government by calling for the closure of the Masaajid even before the lockdown, today, they are facing thorough and further disgrace as per the Qur’anic Demand for those who do such a Shaitaani-misdeed (of closing the Masaajid)! Hence, they are expected to ‘recommend’ poisonous vaccines (Dajjaal’s potion), which are ‘Halaal’ in their government’s ‘Shari’ah’! Again, this is of no surprise, because already in 2017 they approved a measles vaccine despite Ulama-e-Haq alerting us of pork ingredient/s (porcelain), and the Ulama-e-Haq also said that alternative medicine was available!

A quick background of JUSA in five brief points:

  • JUSA called for the Masaajid to SHUT DOWN, even before it was made law!
  • JUSA and its scholars appear on accursed TV – dubbed ‘Islamic’ TV – Na’uthu-Billah! Plenty of Ahaadith warn against photography. Yet, JUSA justifies TV with technicalities aided by Shaitaan. In fact, possibly, even Shaitaan must be ‘holding and shaking his head’ when seeing to what levels JUSA and UUCSA have stooped to in promoting and appearing on TV.
  • JUSA airs the voice of women on radios whereas the Qur’an Majeed commands the pure and chaste wives of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) not to speak in soft tones.
  • JUSA and their scholars approve of protocols to be forced down the throats of Musallis in the Masaajid – Allahs’ Guests – which are alien to Deen and anti-Shari’ah! In fact, they are Bid’aat!
  • Now, JUSA and its executive committee ‘recommends’ vaccines which has filth and dirt in it as ingredients!

To this day, not a single solid Shar’ee Daleel (proof) was presented that backs up these Shaitaani and Dajjaali practices of theirs! And if they attempt to furnish any such Shar’ee Daleel, they recklessly rip and tear specific portions of their ‘Daleel’ totally out of context. Can we trust such a misleading organisation claiming to be ‘Muslim scholars representing the Muslims of SA?’

O JUSA and its executive committee – the SHUTTERS of the Masaajid! What happened to the Aayaat quoted at the top which strongly ‘recommends’ humans, believers and Ambiya to EAT Halaal and Tayyib – wholesome? If eating Halaal and pure things is ‘recommended’ by Allah Ta’ala, in fact COMMANDED, what then can be said regarding injecting filth, dirt and doubtful things – least that can be said! – in the ‘disguise’ of a vaccine?

It is not late for UUCSA-JUSA to come out of these Shaitaani tangles! A simple, humble and loyal remorseful Taubah in public stating clearly that they were totally off the line of the Shari’ah to close the Masaajid and oppose the court case, coupled with clear terms showing they won’t ever intend to close Allah’s Houses again which they are NOT the owners of, will Insha Allah, help them! This is the first step. Thereafter, they should consider adopting the company of the Ulama-e-Haq and learn from them the True Shari’ah in its original purity.

Further immediate steps: It is necessary for them to clarify as to where they found the ‘Fatwa’ for the permissibility for photography (TV). Today, in their TV shows, UUCSA, JUSA and their radio station ‘celebrities’ sit shoulder-to-shoulder with ladies! Indeed, SA is not a barren land in terms of Fiqh and Fataawaa! We have huge Darul-Ulooms which enrol students from overseas as well. We have senior Muftis and senior Ulama of these Darul-Ulooms that are looked up at and respected throughout the world! And these local senior Muftis, Ulama, Principals and their Darul-Ulooms have stated that TV is HARAAM! Why then go overseas to ‘import’ a Fatwa to suit one’s whims and desires, to do one’s [1]Dhandahs (mischief)?

Vaccines which contain aborted foetuses, animal sourced ingredients and inhumane ingredients are HARAAM even if the biggest ‘Mufti’ said otherwise!

(To read (or download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/JUSA-was-and-is-pro-vaccines.pdf)

[1] A Gujrati word.