JUSA’s Cartoons Response

18 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1442 / 4 November 2020

JUSA’s French Cartoons Response Program – Don’t Attend! Don’t Be Beguiled! O Ummah!

QUESTION: Jamiat-al-Ulama of South Africa is hosting a program in Nurul Islam Musjid regarding the French cartoons. They have issued a poster titled ‘Muslims response to French cartoons’, which I have sent it to you as well via e-mail. Kindly offer comments as to whether I should attend this program or not, since I live near Nurul Islam Musjid.

ANSWER: Alhamdulillah, your mere asking indicates to the following two Ahaadith:

  1. Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Sin is that which troubles the heart.” (Muslim Shareef)
  2. Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Seek a Fatwa from your heart.” (Riyaadus-Saaliheen)

Hence, your conscience which is bothering you that made you query is actually your heart that is troubled. In a situation like this, one should be alert to one’s heart’s inner reaction that is actually an answer, to gain some direction. Generally, if one’s food is Halaal and not contaminated with the commercial chickens certified as ‘Halaal’ and one abstains from soft drinks which have some form of alcohol or the other, and if one’s income and clothing are Halaal, then the heart will be sensitive and Taqwa-friendly and will whisper to you to be cautious, alert and to beware.

Hence, your mere asking shows your heart is warning you, alerting you and cautioning you of possible ‘danger’, ‘risk’ and ‘harm’.

Regarding your query, the following points should be noted:

  1. Jamiat Fordsburg which calls itself JUSA and claims it ‘represents’ the Muslims of South Africa is Islamically guilty of closing (SHUTTING) down the Masaajid even before the government called for it.
  2. Does JUSA receive a form of ‘Wahi’ (revelation) that they had the guts to call for such a dangerous course of SHUTTING the Masaajid?
  3. Rubbing salt to the wound, they opposed the Ulama regarding whom they kept branding as ‘a minority group / a fringe minority group’ who are calling for the reopening of the Masaajid.
  4. Entering further danger-zones – Imaani slippery terrain – UUCSA who has JUSA as its very active member managed to present over hundred signatories of ‘Muslims’ who supported the Kaafir government’s silly lockdown laws and opposed the ‘minority’ group of Ulama’s call of proceeding to court to gain the Masaajid to reopen legally. While the signatories were that of modern-Ulama, there were many secular minded signatories as well.
  5. On the other hand, when the senior Ulama of South Africa showed and made public their full support and backing of the ‘minority’ Ulama’s call to reopen the Masaajid legally, the laymen understood that the ‘minority’ have now become ‘majority’ with grand, senior, powerful, prominent and leading Ulama fully supporting that the Masaajid be opened legally. However, in the face of Baatil, quantity doesn’t matter. Even if one Mu’min proclaims the Kalimah to five billion Kuffar who reject the Kalimah, this one Mu’min holds value, worth and honour in the Court of Allah Ta’ala.
  6. Lawyers also sent the signatories of the supporting senior and prominent Ulama to the president. This showed the government that the ‘minority’ Ulama have the support of many other senior Ulama as well.
  7. UUCSA/JUSA, together with its mouthpieces (like Radio ‘Islam’) held panel discussions where JUSA’s secretary and doctors, etc. explained why the Masjids shouldn’t reopen during the hyped-up virus, on-air.
  8. Some of their ‘Ulama’ claimed that the Masaajid will become the epicentres of the virus, and that most of the fatalities will be Muslims – like in certain countries. However, it surfaced that this information which JUSA-‘Ulama’ claimed was FALSE and a LIE!
  9. Other ‘Ulama’ of theirs said that the Musallahs of the Masaajid are the places where the (man-made / fake) virus lives, thus when going into Sujood – which is the posture that brings one the closest to Allah Ta’ala – we are ‘goners’ – Na’uthu-Billah! He also said that the Masaajid are the ‘sooooper-spreaders of the virus – Na’uthu-Billah!
  10. Came the day of the court case in which UUCSA (JUSA as well) entered as the Amicus – friends of the Kuffar, enemies of the Masaajid and Allah – there stood the lawyers of UUCSA (and JUSA) fighting to keep the Masaajid SHUT! What would Hazrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) brand the ‘clients’ of the ‘Muslim’ lawyers who were fighting AGAINST the Masaajid from reopening as?
  11. The above points should not be swept under the rug. Islamically, JUSA and UUCSA and ALL others who supported their un-Islamic and pro-government views are required to openly make Taubah and clearly retract from their dangerous claims, statements and views. Once this is done publically, then can we can take the next step.

Whilst Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) showed lots of importance to the Masaajid, Salaah with Jamaat in the Masaajid (for men), the dangers and severe warnings for missing Jamaat Salaah and Jumu’ah Salaah (for men), etc., yet JUSA called to SHUT DOWN the Masaajid thereby letting thousands of Muslim men MISS Jamaat Salaah in the Masjid as well as Jumu’ah Salaah. How will one then benefit in the programs of JUSA which are titled as ‘Muslims response to French cartoons’ regarding the honour of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), whereas they (UUCSA and JUSA) stood and fought tooth and nail to SHUT the Masaajid? Is it not dishonouring Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) by calling to SHUT down the Masaajid, and going to court to fight for this?

How will these programs of JUSA benefit one where they appear to ‘protect the honour of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’, whereas JUSA have enforced weird, alien-to-Deen and eerie protocols such as (satanic-)social distancing in the Saffs – something which disunites the Ummah!?

How will these programs of JUSA benefit one where they appear to ‘protect the honour of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’, whereas JUSA have strictly enforced the brain-damaging, unhealthy, Fire-worshippers’ garb, Tsotsi-style and HARAAM masks for Salaah? In fact, they have abided by the un-Islamic practice of debarring Musallis from entering the Masjid without a face mask! Would Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Uthmaan, Hazrat Ali and ALL the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) have entered the Masjid with brain-damaging face masks?

The first step in defending the Mubaarak honour of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is to fully enforce the Mubaarak Sunnats in our lifestyle. Then, we should encourage others to adopt the Sunnah in their lifestyle, especially in the Masaajid.

However, JUSA has done the total opposite! They have enforced the man-made protocols which are designed by the atheists and approved by Shaitaan. These devilish protocols are then given to the Kuffar government, who in turn ‘spew’ it out to their religious agents – even certain ‘Ulama’ are the agents of the governments, as mentioned by the Ulama-e-Haq! These miserable agents of the government then ‘lick up’ these ‘spewed’ un-Islamic protocols and force it down the throats of the Musallis in the Masaajid to an even greater level than what the government demands!   

Until UUCSA and JUSA don’t make a clear and unambiguous public Taubah from their doings discussed in this article, one should not attend any of their programs, even if they happen to conduct a program in the Masjid next door to you. Stop supporting and donating to their works. Stop listening to their radio stations and to their ‘Ulama’.

Rather choose to sit in the company of the Ulama-e-Haq. If one is not able to, obtain the recordings of their talks and programs. Indeed, one will benefit in following their advices.

(To read or download this article, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/JUSAs-cartoons-response.pdf)