QUESTION: A 6-pg (in total) publication of JUSA has been circulated in which approximately 5 pages are dedicated to a Jumu’ah Bayaan content to be used by Imaams to prepare a Bayaan on GBV.
Should the Imaams use this guideline of JUSA and speak about GBV which is also captioned as ’16 days campaign’?
ANSWER: A Moulana also sent us this trash. A comment attached in his message sent was ‘This reeks of feminism and liberal ideas’.
Ignore the entire article. Delete it if it is as a pdf on your cellphone or computer.
JUSA, in its entirety, including all its so-called departments (including the social department) is an entity of Baatil and Dhalaal!
They are astray. They are leading others astray. Their shenanigans are just too many. One cannot regard them as Ulama-e-Haq in the least bit. They are scholars of Baatil, politics, liberal ideas, interfaith preachers and misquoters of our Akaabir Ulama-e-Haq to suit their Shaitaaniyat. Misquoting Mufti Kifaayatullah Rahmatullahi alayh in their Haraam SAUF Baatil Jalsah by Ebrahim Bham, an interfaith promoter and preacher, is their latest slander against our Akaabireen.
The above evil and attempts of watering down the Deen have become the order of the day.
Shun this GBV article aside. Don’t even waste your time in reading this or any other publications released by them.
They could have rather used their effort in preparing a Jumu’ah Bayaan on the evils of Tariq Jamil, the Shia sympathizer. Or, regarding the harms, Hurmat and Dajjaliyat of TV, etc.
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