JUSA’s Malicious Attempts… (Part 1)

JUSA’s ‘Malicious’ & ‘Degrading’ Attempts Of Changing Allah’s Deen


In the audio clip received, Ml Raghie is heard saying:

“It is concerning, that there seems to be a malicious attempt to even degrade anything that comes from reputable organisation. And I’m talking now, I’m being a bit more frank. It is concerning that there seems to be a malicious attempt to degrade anything that comes from the Jamiatul Ulama South Africa.” (End of the clip)

OUR COMMENT: Who will not degrade anything that is forthcoming that is baseless lies, false, Baatil, wrong, incorrect, evil, sinful, Haraam and un-Islamic? Which Muslim that understands the basics of Deen will accept anything that is Baatil?

A basic Muslim who is on a basic level of Deen will not tolerate or accept an attempt made, for example, to cancel one of the five daily Fardh Salaahs by a group of modern/liberal scholars. If the Muslim of basic understanding of Deen stands up and reposts the Fataawa of senior Muftis and Ulama of reputable Ulama bodies on his/her social media accounts, will another sane Muslim call this to be ‘degrading’ and/or a ‘malicious attempt to degrade’ the preaching and call for the cancellation of one of the five Salaahs by the body of modern/liberal scholars? Nay, never! Rather, a sane Muslim will laud this, appreciate the information and alert others as well of this Baatil tempering with the Shari’ah.

Alhamdulillah, in the context of the topic of this article and response to Ml Raghie, the public have opened their eyes and are now seeing through the true colours of JUSA-UUCSA. Hence, they are now wary of taking just anything forthcoming from JUSA-UUCSA and Radio ‘Islam’, Alhamdulillah. Therefore, they refer to the Ulama-e-Haq and Darul-Iftas for guidance when there is a suspected misrepresentation of any aspect of the Deen from JUSA-UUCSA. The Ulama-e-Haq thus respond via articles and Bayaans, etc. wherein the Haq is explained clearly. Then the laymen share this important issue on various social media accounts. This is to alert their friends and families, etc. Can such an effort which brings to light the Haq – the bitter Haq – be labelled as ‘malicious attempt to degrade’ (to degrade the Ulama-e-Baatil’s efforts of watering down the Shari’ah)? Never! Instead of accepting their error and rectifying themselves, JUSA’s member/s harp and make claims similar to that in the audio clip of Ml Raghie quoted above.

What about JUSA’s ‘malicious attempts of degrading’ the Shari’ah by various members of JUSA, including its secretary general and others, in the following Baatil activities:

  1. TV – The Fatwa of TV being Haraam by the original senior founding members of the then Jamiat Transvaal – the current JUSA! – has been ‘maliciously degraded’ by JUSA’s secretary general and company! What a level of ‘degrading’ the Shari’iah and the Laws of Hijaab have they displayed in public, for the Ummah to see? Two of JUSA’s scholars (secretary general is one of them) sat with a Muslim lady in a TV studio – what a malicious attempt of degrading the Hijaab System is this not via the TV studio!
  2. EIDGAH – Was it not a malicious attempt in opening the doors to Haraam interfaith by happily letting and allowing a politician to address the Musallis at the Lenasia Eidgah in 2017?
  3. SYLLABUS – What a malicious attempt of degrading the Amaanat of Ilm-e-Deen is it not to misinterpret Surah Kaafiroon in their Tasheel series to conform to their Haraam indulgences of interfaith which JUSA’s secretary frequents and where he received money (ref: Motsepe Foundation)?
  4. INTERFAITH – At any opportunity, interfaith ceremonies are held, especially since the 2001 interfaith ceremony that was held at a podium that was under few crosses, at the Central Methodist Church in Johannesburg, on which stood JUSA’s secretary general. Mandela’s funeral also led to interfaith prayers by JUSA’s secretary. Kathrada’s funeral also turned into an interfaith opportunity in which JUSA’s secretary was a participant. What a malicious attempt of degrading the entire System of Da’wat is this interfaith indulgence not?
  5. SHI’AS – JUSA’s Mufti on the phone call was unable to share clear and straight rulings to the questioner regarding the Shi’as. What a malicious attempt is this not to condone a wholesale swearing and abuse hurled at the Stars of the Ummah – the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) – by the Shi’as! What a degrading of the Honour of the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) is it not by JUSA choosing silence, or at most ‘beating around the bush’ when answering questions asked about the Kufr of the Shi’as who belittle the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum).
  6. TAARIQ JAMEEL – By now, even a sleeping person was supposed to ‘smell the coffee’ regarding this man’s true colours (his sympathizing and being part of the Shi’as). What a malicious attempt of degrading the Sahaabah once more from JUSA’s side when they extended an invite to Taariq Jameel to SA for their Khatmul-Bukhari Jalsah.
  7. 100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY – In proper Kuffaar-style, ANC-style and the western-style, in almost every poster, JUSA has inserted the connotation of their Haraam birthday or anniversary celebration. What a malicious attempt of degrading the teaching of all our parents and grandparents who discouraged us from celebrating anniversaries and birthdays – all of which is sourced from the Hadith, ‘He who imitates a people/nation, is part of them.’
  8. CLOSING THE MASAAJID – In the 2020 Masjid court-case, when JUSA-UUCSA became the Amicus-scholars, was it not an open and brazen malicious attempt of degrading the Houses of Allah Ta’ala? Does the Masaajid not enjoy ALL the plenty of Fazaa’il as stated in the Shari’ah in the eyes of JUSA-UUCSA? Or, the government’s happiness holds more virtue in JUSA-UUCSA’s sight? Was JUSA’s secretary’s claim of ‘just one Jumu’ah’ not a malicious attempt of degrading the Great Ibaaadat of Jumu’ah? Was UUCSA’s Mufti’s call for cancelling Jumu’ah Salaah in the Masaajid not a brazen and malicious degrading of Jumu’ah Salaah?

While the above list may continue to a higher number, for the sake of brevity, we have listed only eight points.

It now rests on the shoulders of Ml Raghie to apprize the Ummah of the above aspects – were all the doings malicious attempts of degrading the Haq, the Ulama-e-Haq, the Masaajid, the Laws of Hijaab, the prohibition of TV and photography, the prohibition of celebrating anniversaries, the silence on Shi’as, the indoctrination of our children via their Tasheel interfaith books and polluting the Eidgah by allowing Na-Paak Kuffaar access and entry to address the Musallis?

(To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/JUSAs-malacious-attempts-Pt-1.pdf)

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