JUSA’s Statement

9 Jumaadal-Ula 1442 / 24 December 2020

JUSA’s Statement On The So-Called ‘Second Wave’Bizarre Indeed!

Allah Ta’ala says: “Assist one another in virtue and Taqwa.” (Maa’idah, Aayat 2)

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “There is NO contagion.” (Bukhari)

From 22 March 2020, JUSA has openly shown the Ummah its true colours. For those who have been observing with Imaani eyes, JUSA appears to be doing the ‘work’ of the government. Don’t forget the court case which they went in as the friends of the court to keep the Masaajid SHUTsomething seen for the first time in history!

Our current Ulama-e-Haq have mentioned rightly that if the government has to state their protocols and call on us to follow them in our Deeni related occasions, very few might follow them. Since this is what the Kuffar know, thus, with the devil’s aid, they have made certain so-called ‘scholars’ their agents to carry out this ‘work’ of theirs among Muslims. In this light, JUSA’s statement appears to be in conformity to what the Kuffar want Muslims to know.

In their statement dated 22 December 2020, JUSA claims:

“…to take appropriate measures and precautions in order to prevent the further spread of COVID-19…”

“The  news that a new and even more contagious Covid-19 strain is responsible for most of the fresh cases…”

Comment: In these two statements, one understands that JUSA says:

  1. Sickness spreads.
  2. Sickness is contagious.
  3. A ‘new’ covid-19 is responsible for making people sick.

While the above is the understanding of JUSA, Islam teaches us the direct OPPOSITE! Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “There is no contagion.” (Bukhari)

Had JUSA accepted what Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) taught us more than what experts that wallow in the physical impurity of Janaabat as well as in the impurity of Aqeedah (Kufr and Shirk), there would be no need to release a statement based on Covid-19!                                                        However, JUSA appears to bring faith and to give preference to what the scientists are saying over what Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said. When one goes on this dangerous route, there is nothing but Divine Disgrace in store for one – Na’uthu-Billah!

JUSA further says:

“As we fight this pandemic, let us take appropriate measures that will be in the interest of public health and safety.”

Comment: What are the ‘appropriate measures’ JUSA is speaking about that will ‘be in the interest of public health and safety’? As Muslims, are we not supposed to do that which will be in the interest of making Allah Ta’ala happy? And once Allah is happy, will He make the world suffer? If JUSA is speaking politically – as they mostly appear to be doing currently – then the ‘appropriate measures’ are anti-Shari’ah and cannot be introduced into the Masaajid, etc.! And if JUSA is speaking Islamically – which we fear they don’t and can’t because their ‘Ulama’ represented their ‘Islamic-side’ by going to court to keep the Masaajid SHUT – then we fear their recent history is not healthy in the light of the Shari’ah!

Had JUSA been speaking Islamically, then they would have found the ‘appropriate measures’ in the lives of the Sahaabah when during far worse and real pandemics they took the ‘proper measures’ which are the most ‘appropriate measures’, Islamically. The ‘appropriate measures’ of the Sahaabah were NOT social distancing in Salaah, nor was it to audaciously disobey Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’s disapproval of covering their mouths with masks. In fact, Sahaabah vigorously PULLED OFF whatever was used to cover the mouths of people during Salaah. Also, no Sahaabi disinfected his hands with alcoholic sanitizers thereby intoxicating his brain, the effect of which is being unable to understand simple Shar’ee laws.

JUSA concludes by adding some ‘Islamic flavour’ to their statement which conforms more to the Kuffar’s beliefs than that of the Shari’ah by saying:

“Our actions determine the conditions that Allah sends down…we should also shun vice, repent [taubah], abundantly seek forgiveness [istighfar], engage in virtuous deeds…”

Comment: Perhaps JUSA forgot to mention the following pertinent points:

  1. To observe proper Hijaab. Also, not to mingle with women during marches on the roads, at funerals and on radio stations, not to speak about sitting with them in TV studios.
  2. Not to indulge in picture-making which includes TV, videos, You-Tube, photography, etc. Also, to discontinue the I-TV channel on which their ‘Ulama’ freely and openly appear.
  3. Not to consume Haraam food. Also, meat that is killed at abattoirs without Tasmiyah and without the observing of the host of Sunnats attached to slaughtering, and is branded as ‘Halaal’ by SANHA-MJC and co. should be avoided since they don’t meet the ‘appropriate measures’ of the Shari’ah.
  4. Not to cover one’s mouth in Salaah as per the Hadith Shareef and the ruling of the great Fuqahaa (Rahimahumullah) whose knowledge is far greater than ours and all the governments put together.
  5. Not to social distance in the Saffs during Salaah. This is because the Hadith warns of Shaitaan entering the gaps in the Saffs. The Hadith also bases the unity of the Ummah in the Sufoof during Salaah. Thus, Muslims cannot unite with so-called ‘Ulama’ who advocate social distancing (like JUSA/UUCSA, etc.).

May Allah Ta’ala give the Ummah Tawfeeq (ability) to follow, listen and obey the Allah-fearing Ulama-e-Haq and NOT the Ulama-e-government who are deviating the masses, Aameen.

(To read or download this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/JUSAs-statement.pdf)

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