Lenasia Eidgah – An Arena Of Politicians & Dhalaal (Deviation) – BEWARE!!!

Lenasia Eidgah – A Political Arena Of Dhalaal (Deviation) – BEWARE!

It is reported in Bukhari Shareef: Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) went out (to the Musallah/Eidgah) on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr and began with the Salaah before delivering the Khutbah.

QUESTION: Radio Islam made a video wherein the background voice of the speaker discusses the Lenz Eidgah site. The main points I observed in the video are:

  1. Background video shows images/footages of the Lenz Eidgah.
  2. Some Moorat (animate) footages of the brothers at the Eidgah is also captured.
  3. The appeal on the video is for funds for the Eidgah.
  4. Mention is made of all the speakers who are recorded to have delivered a talk at the Eidgah.

ANSWER: The main speaker whose mention is not made in the clip is Mr Ramaphosa! Why have they left his name out? It was June 2017, at the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, when Mr Ramaphosa attended and delivered a ‘lecture’ to the Muslims from the front at the Lenasia Eidgah, while his ‘Mureed’, Ml Bham seated himself on the Mimbar very comfortably. After this disastrous event, Ml Bham had the audacity to claim, “For the deputy president to come and attend out Eid prayers is a matter of great happiness for us…” Astaghfirullah! May Allah Ta’ala protect the Muslim communities from His Chastisement, Aameen.

This was the year (2017) when the Lenasia Eidgah’s true colours were laid bare. It no more served the interest of the Muslim community. It no more remained an Eidgah in the True and Correct meaning of an Islamic and Sunnah Eidgah!

In the Kitaabs we come across the Eidgahs (Musallas as commonly known in Arabic) in the time of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and the Khulafaa-e-Raashideen (Radhiyallahu anhum). The key point is that nowhere do we find that a Kaafir addressed the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) at the Musalla! This was the trend in the Ummah for 1400 years. Now in the recent past, JUSA and its like-minded scholars of Baatil have introduced the BID’AH of allowing KUFFAAR wallowing in Janaabat and in need of Istinja’ a platform at the Eidgahs.

Eid-ul-Fitr of June 2017 was when Mr Ramaphosa attended the Lenasia Eidgah. Since then, one will not find any of the respectable senior Ulama-e-Haq of SA delivering lectures there. Thus, using the name of one of the honourable Principals of a Darul-Uloom in the video of the Lenz Eidgah is unjust and wrong. One can’t be bluffing the Ummah by name-dropping tactics as JUSA and Radio ‘Izlam’ are famously known to have a ‘master’s degree’ in. Misusing names of our present Akaabireen and Akaabireen of our history is a game they love playing to cover up their mess and anti-Islamic doings. Thus, the Honourable Principal’s name used in the video holds no weight or basis. The fact is that the Eidgah in Lenasia has been turned into a political arena where, without shame and hesitation, politicians are invited and allowed a platform, with ALL their Janaabat and Rijs.

Therefore, remember, if you are in Lenasia on Eid day, head to the Eidgah which is overseen by the Ulama-e-Haq. If this is not available, then opt to go to a Masjid for Eid Salaah instead of the Eidgah which caters for the attendance of Kuffaar politicians, and also entertains photos and videos.

Remember the important points of this article discussed thus far:

  1. If an honourable Aalim of Haq ever delivered a lecture at the Lenasia Eidgah, it doesn’t mean the Eidgah at present is on Haq and has the correct Islamic interest at heart!
  2. The Eidgah which accepts and tolerates photography should be shunned and boycotted!
  3. The Eidgah wherein politicians address the congregation is Haraam to attend!

Point number one is of utmost importance. We cannot sufficiently stress on this point. The method of navigating this point is by asking yourself the question: “Does the Aalim in question, or the fraternity of the Ulama-e-Haq of my country, endorse and accept the doings of the ones in charge of the Eidgah (i.e. JUSA, Radio ‘Izlam’ in the Lenasia Edigah context)?” And the Ulama-e-Haq of SA DO NOT endorse the doings of JUSA and its mouthpiece, Radio ‘Izlam’!

Just like how in the beginning, several Great Akaabireen ‘accepted’ Mr Moududi in India. However, once his true colours were laid bare, those same honourable Akaabireen distanced themselves from him and cautioned others of the same. Can one thereafter dig into the archives and find the once upon a time ‘support’ of the Akaabireen to Mr Moududi as a proof that Mr Moududi was right and deserves our support?

May Allah Ta’ala safeguard the Ummah from the Fitnah of JUSA, UUCSA, MJC, Radio ‘Izlam’, Darul Ihsaan, SANHA and ALL similar entities and scholars who are watering down the Original Deenul Islam, Aameen.

(To read and download this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Lenasia-Eidgah.pdf)