Lessons Of Ramadhaan

17 Shawwaal 1440 / 21 June 2019

Says Allah, The Most-High, “Did I (Allah) not take a pledge from you, O mankind, that you should not worship (and obey) Shaitaan? Truly, he (Shaitaan) is your open enemy!”

It was the other night on which we welcomed Ramadhaan, and shortly thereafter we have bid it farewell…

Truly, Ramadhaan will keep on coming year after year. This is a fact. But what is uncertain is that we are not sure as to whether we will see the next Ramadhaan or not. Many were the ones who had bid farewell to last years’ Ramadhaan with us, but alas, this year they were no longer with us. Many were the ones who welcomed this years’ Ramadhaan with us, but never remained to see the end of it. Allahu Akbar!


Life is not guaranteed. Maut (death) is hovering above each one’s head. Maut sticks with us closer than our own shadows. In darkness, a shadow disappears, but Wallah, Maut never departs! Allah Ta’ala says in His Kalaam, “Every soul shall taste death.”

Is there any escape from Maut? Allah Ta’ala says in His Kalaam, “Wherever you are, Maut will find (a way to) you.”

Important Du’a to make daily…

An important Du’a we should remember to make among our daily Du’as is that Allah Ta’ala grants us Husn-e-Khaatimah (a noble and good death).

Everything requires a service, even a flashy vehicle! So too…

Just like all other material things requires a service, so too do we as Insaan, and more importantly, as Muslims also require a service.

No matter how fancy, smart, fast, flashy, expensive, top of the range, latest and modern features a vehicle may have, if the owner offers a deaf ear to its service, a day will come that the same owner will be seen stuck on the side of the road, who once upon a time bragged and boasted about his new vehicle which he drove brand new out of the showroom with all haughtiness and pomp, thinking that he is the man in town whilst looking down upon all other cheaper and low-class vehicles on the road.

One of the best ways to keep pride away in terms of vehicles…

Yes, pride can come due to the vehicle we drive. Therefore, one of the best way to keep pride away is to drive a brand, type or style of vehicle which will let a person go pass unnoticed on the road. A vehicle which when driven on the road, onlookers barely even take notice of it due to its colour or brand been common on the road. This is the safest and most powerful remedy to keep the grave sickness of pride out of our spiritual bodies. We are not saying that the person who drives a smart or branded name vehicle has pride. No, not necessarily. Yes, for pride to enter in his life is more easy than in the life of a simpleton who drives a simple unnoticed vehicle. Therefore, with the material things Allah Ta’ala has given us, we should use it like how our Allah wants us to use it.

24Hrs Call to Germany or ‘Roadside-Assistance’ and Maut…

Remember, whether a person drives the latest model vehicle and he can directly get in contact with Germany for assistance, or a person knows that the roadside assistance will be just a call away no matter where he is stuck, or he has purchased the vehicle with the best of motor-plans, the best run flat tyres, the best make of tyres, the best braking system, when Malikal-Maut appears he won’t ask as to what type of vehicle he drives nor will the 24hour direct call to Germany be of ANY avail.

‘Sakaraatul-Maut Assistance’

At that time, what will count is nothing but a person’s good deeds. Yes, his Tasbeehaat, Salaahs, Du’as and humility will come as a ‘Sakaraatul-Maut Assistance’. We ask Allah Paak to grant us all perfect and complete humility. When humility settles in a person’s heart and system, then the mansion he lives in, vehicle he drives, business he owns and the bank balance he has will be of no real importance to him.

What did Ramadhaan teach us?

Ramadhaan taught us how to live as Allah Ta’ala wants to see us living throughout the year. Ramadhaan brushed away our dust which we have accumulated due to our laxity in Ibaadaat throughout the year.

Nafl Salaah…

Ramadhaan came and reminded us the value of Tahajjud, the Barkat of Ishraaq, the beauty of Chaast, the value of Awwaabeen, the virtue of all the Sunnat Salaahs and the merits of Nafl Salaah.

Sabr, Shukr and obeying Allah Ta’ala…

Ramadhaan had come and taught us the meaning of Sabr, the reality of Shukr and the love for obeying Allah Ta’ala.

For our brothers…

Ramadhaan had come and taught our brothers how to present oneself in the Masjid five times a day. The joy of standing in the first Saff, the love for the Qur’aan Majeed in Taraweeh Salaah, the meaning of Barkat in one’s earning and the Qadr (appreciation) of the workers working under him (when he understood that the workers (if they are Muslims) were also fasting the same fast as him).

For our sisters…

Ramadhaan had come and taught our sisters the importance of Hijaab, the importance of covering the hair, the importance of not emerging from the house without a valid and real need and the importance of occupying oneself in some form of Ibaadat of Allah Ta’ala.

TV, Radio Stations, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Twitter…

Ramadhaan came and taught us the evils of the Shaitaan’s Box (TV), the futility of the radio stations (even if they have Islamic names), the uselessness of remaining glued to futility and nonsensical following, liking and chats on social media like Facebook, Instagram, whatsapp and Twitter etc.

Tilaawat, Zikr, Du’a and Sunnah…

Ramadhaan came and taught us the value of the Kalaam of Allah Ta’ala, the sweetness of taking the Blessed Name of Allah Ta’ala (Zikr), the treasures which are concealed in Du’a and the Barakaat of observing and being careful of the Sunnah of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam.  

Punctuality and Sadaqah…

Ramadhaan came and taught us the respect for time. Thus, Sehri and Iftaar were observed on their respective times. The meaning of caring by the discharging of Zakaat and Fitrah and the value of making a difference in the life of others with Nafl Sadaqah. 

Yes, Ramadhaan taught us all of the above and much more. Many other lessons were taught to individuals in their personal lives.

The Departure of Ramadhaan…

Now, the Great Month has left us. Yes, it has departed with all its Blessings. It has departed with the Barkat of Sehri, the Noor of Tahajjud, the joy of Iftaar and the love of the Qur’an in Taraweeh.

Let us now ponder and reflect over our past, present and future. Where were we? Where are we? Where are we heading to?

What did Ramadhaan leave behind in us?

Did Ramadhaan change us? Did Ramadhaan leave us practicing upon a forgotten or discarded Sunnah for the balance of the year? Did Ramadhaan leave us as better Muslims? Did Ramadhaan leave us as obedient servants of Allah Ta’ala? Did Ramadhaan leave us as faithful Ummatis of Muhamamd Sallallahu alaihi wasallam? Did Ramadhaan leave us as caring husbands? Did Ramadhaan leave us as loving wives? Did Ramadhaan leave us as trustworthy employees/employers? Did Ramadhaan leve us (men) with a full Sunnah length beard? Did Ramadhaan leave us (females) with a strict Purdah and covering of every strand of hair? Did Ramadhaan leave us with ANY change/s in our lives?

The unfortunate ones…

To the contrary, did we anticipate the termination of this blessed Month to go back to our Sports Channels on TV? Did we anticipate the end of Ramadhaan to grab hold of the TV remotes in our hands and to change and go through different channels? Did we anticipate the end of Ramadhaan to catch up with the news and programs on so-called Islamic Radios? Did we anticipate the end of Ramadhaan to go back to our vulgar language? Did we anticipate the end of Ramadhaan to go back to our games, sports, holidays in Haraam places/resorts etc.? Did we anticipate the end of Ramadhaan to light the cigarettes and smoke packets a day?

If that was our attitude, then even if we find a thousand Ramadhaans, Wallah, it will not change us at all.

Change, the imperative call of the hour…

Just like how a good sign of the acceptance of a person’s Umrah or Haj is that he/she brings about a change in their lives, so too, with the system of going through Ramadhaan, we are supposed to have a change or two (minimum) in our lives.

The Changes after Haj or Umrah…

Many were the ones who returned from Haj or Umrah, presented themselves (males) five times in the Masjid for Salaah. Many were the sisters who returned from Haj or Umrah, donned the Hijaab in a strict way and not the fashion trend of Abaaya, camel humped head and Purdah with jeans under the Abaaya as is the fashion nowadays. Many were the brothers who went for Haj or Umrah with clean shaven faces and returned with the Sunnah beard.

The changes after Ramadhaan…

In the same way, there are brothers who adopted a place in the Masjid for their five times Salaah after the departure of Ramadhaan. There are sisters who opted to live a life of proper Purdah after the departure of Ramadhaan. There are some who have tasted the sweetness of Tilaawat and have fixed a quota of daily Tilaawat upon themselves. There are others who understood the destruction of TV and have chucked it out of their homes. There are yet some who have realized the evils of the radios and so-called Islamic stations and have stopped listening to them.

Truly, successful are such people who have changed or at least left Ramadhaan with a change or two in their lives.

The Pledges…

During Ramadhaan many of us made different kinds of Du’as. Perhaps some asked Allah Ta’ala that they will from now onwards try to be obedient servants. Try to remain far from sins. Try to observe as many Sunnahs as possible. Try to earn their livelihood in a Halaal manner. Discard ALL Riba (interest) conditions, transactions and deals which govern their businesses. Try to be humble and loyal. And many asked Allah Ta’ala to pass away with the Blessing of Imaan.

Do that and see the changes…

Remember, our dear readers, brothers and sisters, the above should be brought into Amal. Fulfil our pledges. Allah Ta’ala loves to see His Servants trying to fulfil the pledges they have made. The call of the hour, the need of the hour and the demand of the hour is for us to fulfil the pledges we made to Allah Ta’ala!

Then see how the tides of the oceans will be in favour to us. Then see how Barkat will enter into our homes, businesses, families, possessions etc.

Conclusion and Du’a…

We ask Allah Ta’ala to give us Istiqaamat (steadfastness) and Ikhlaas (sincerity) and that He grants us Tawfeeq to carry on making Ibaadat throughout the year just as we did in the month of Ramadhaan, Aameen.




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