In every Era there had been those that had pushed forward the pristine understanding of Islam which is the ultimate code of success for the Ummah in this world and their everlasting salvation in the next and there had been those who adopted a path of compromise and served to further materialism in the garb of Islam.
“Some eloquent speech has the influence of magic.”
Hadith of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam
They are the ones who in time gone by,frequented the rulers and kings and passed such rulings that would appease their whims in exchange of favours and public approval.
It is with regards to this category that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said there is something I fear for My Ummah more than Dajjal. Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) repeated this thrice. When questioned as to what this was, Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) replied, ‘Misguided and astray leaders.’
Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) has recorded this Hadith on the authority of Sayyiduna Abu Dharr (radiyallahu ‘anhu).
(Musnad Ahmad, vol. 5 pg. 145)
The reason for this fear is that while Dajjal would be recognised by the mark of kufr on his forehead that everyone would read,these scholars would be taken to be ones of righteousness and would therefore be trusted by the unsuspecting masses and thus lead them astray.
In order to recognise this category a few tell tale signs shall now be mentioned with the grace of Allah:
1.They would be counter traditionalism and pro Modernism
Due to being indoctrinated by liberalism or recruited and paid to incorporate LIBERALIST concepts into Islamic garb, these scholars would always depict the Ulama who are passing on true Islam as being backwards.They would be pro modernity and change for when the masses are broken away from tradition and the spirit of the pious predecessors then they would fall prey easily to the Liberalism that they wish to feed them
2.They would play on emotion and catchy slogans so as to lure in the masses
This Hadith puts it aptly:
“…. فَقَالَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم ” إِنَّ مِنَ الْبَيَانِ لَسِحْرً” “
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Some eloquent speech has the influence of magic.”
Sahih al-Bukhari, 5146
These scholars would use social tactics to ensnare the public ,they would,in a bid to counter any criticism,always preach “respect” and “unity” and slogans which would be easily used as a defence and a tool to instigate the masses to feel that they are the victims and that the traditional Ulama of truth are in fact the attackers.
This is the tactic used by the mainstream Media as well to castigate Muslims.
Their bayans would never highlight the wrongs of society and they would preach an “all inclusive Islam” as this paves the way again to include liberalism within Islamic garb
They would cover up the gradual degenerative with excuses such as seeing to the greater benefit of the Muslim community as if Allah desires to see Islam changed in order to assist the Muslims
3.They would be found in places of the spotlight and would have no limits as long as the fame is acquired
As someone put it across quite frankly: “They seek Fame by Faith”
Due to requiring recognition in order to fully influence the masses and to fan the desire for fame,they wouldn’t mind attending any type of gathering, as long as the money or fame he rolling in.
You would thus find these scholars:
a) willing to attend an “Islamic” event where people watch European football games and then give a lecture at such a place.
b) Attend mixed gatherings and festivals with Music just to grace such an occasion and gain from its lime light.
c) Attend funerals of disbelievers to appear in the media without a care in the world for furthering the interfaith agenda
d) They will own the “Islamic” Media houses and always try to be catchy to gain social media clout.
4.They would be “high-flying”
Due to giving preference to the world over the Aakhirah you would find these types of scholars jet setting, engaging in entertainment luxury and extravagance which is in complete opposition to the simplicity that the pious of the past possessed.
5.They would frequent the corrupt leaders and be in cahoots with the government
You would find their fatawa being strikingly in-line with government instruction. They would even close down places of worship at the feet of the government
Yusuf bin Asbat رحمة الله عليه narrates that Sufyan Thawri (رحمة الله عليه) said to him:
“Whenever you see an Islamic scholar entering into the presence of the unjust and oppressive leaders, then know that he is a thief.” (Shu’ub al Iman of al-Baihaqi, authenticated by Ad-Dhahabi)
Imam Ibn al-Jawziy said in Talbis Iblis Page 121-122) that:
“And from the deceptions of Iblis upon the scholars is their mixing with the confirmed unjust leaders and the confirmed oppressive kings, their flattering them and failure to correct them when they are able to do so. May be they make allowances for them where there is no allowance for them, in order to attain some worldly benefit. So this produces corruption from three angles:
First, the leader is corrupted by that. He will say: “If I were not upon what is correct, the scholar would correct me. And how can I not be correct when he is eating from my wealth!”
Secondly, the common man, because he will say: “There is no harm in this leader, nor in his wealth, nor in his actions, because such and such scholar, does not criticise him.”
Thirdly, the scholar (himself) is corrupted by that. Because he corrupts his religion through this practice, and Iblis (Satan) has deceived them into entering upon the corrupt politicians and unjust leaders by saying to them, “You will just enter to intercede for the benefit of a Muslim.”
Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali said in his book, Sharh Hadithidh-Dhi’ban (i.e. The commentary on the Hadith about two hungry wolves):
“Many of the Salaf (Pious predecessors) used to forbid entry upon the unjust and oppressive leaders even for those who wanted to go to command them with good and to forbid them from evil. From those who forbade this were Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz, Ibn al-Mubarak, ath-Thawri and others.”
Ibn al-Mubarak said:
“The one who commands and forbids them in our view is not the one who enters upon them and commands and forbids them. Rather the one who commands and forbids them is the one that keeps away from them.”
Salamah bin Dinar said:
“In the past if the unjust leaders sent someone to fetch the Ulama, the Ulama would not go to them, or if the leaders asked the Ulama, the Ulama would not make any concessions for them. The leaders would go to the Ulama at their houses and ask them there and within this was rectification for both the leaders and the Ulama.”
Sufyan ath-Thawri said:
“Knowledge will remain honoured until it is carried to the gates of the unjust kings who take it for a small price, then Allah will remove the sweetness of knowledge from their hearts.”
Imam Abu Muhammad bin Hazm said when he advised the Alim (Scholar) in his treatise Maratibul Ulum:
“To be afflicted by associating with the unjust leader is to be afflicted by a great calamity and it is presenting oneself to a vile danger in which one’s religion and self will depart. The scholar is not to associate with him (i.e. the unjust leader) whatsoever as this will lead to ruin.” (See Dr. Ihsan Abbas, Majma’ ar-Rasa’il Ibn Hazm al-Andalus, Vol. 4, Page 76)
May Allah save the Muslims of South Africa from these thieves and distorters of the Deen and allow the Ulama of haqq to unite and fend off their plots.
Beware of those who use “Fame by Faith” to be “Thieves of your Beliefs!”
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