Lies And Deception Of UUCSA!

Lies and deception of UUCSA laid bare by a Muslim Professor!

By: A Muslim Professor – May Allah reward.

Note: In his statement he says that he has not yet received any feedback from UUCSA despite sending a reminder, and his investigation in the UK Muslim death rate of the COVID-19 is not as propagated by Moolana Bham.

Sent: Friday, 01 May 2020 10:55 PM
To: ‘‘ <>
Cc: ‘‘ <>; ‘‘ <>
Subject: Misrepresentation re- Court proceedings

Dear Most Respected Moulana Karan, Sheikh Taliep, Moulana Bham

As-salaamoalikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

The recent judgement was not unexpected as I had stated in my last communique (19/4/2020). I wish to reiterate that UUCSA’s decision to act as Amicus Curiae was ill-advised and certainly not conducive to promoting harmony among Muslims.

I now refer to your public statement of 24/4/2020 on possible misrepresentations during the recent court proceedings. What concerns me is the apparent misrepresentations by UUCSA in its court affidavit and by one of UUCSA’s executive member in an article in the Daily Maverick (15/4/2020) , for which I requested clarification but have not yet received a reply. These requests were sent on 19/4/2020 and 16/4/2020 respectively.

I had asked on what basis does UUCSA claim in its affidavit that JUSA represents the majority of the Ulema in KwaZulu Natal and what was the reference for the observation in Moulana Bham’s article (Daily Maverick) that 25% of COVID-related deaths in the U.K. occurred in Muslims.

It is now 15 days since I requested this reference and in spite of a reminder sent on 22/4/2019 there has been no response. It is indeed sad to note that even my non-muslim colleagues will respond within a day or two to a similar request. I can only speculate on possible reasons for the failure to respond. Was this figure based on hearsay or an assumption ?

Your latest public statement confirms my suspicion. Unlike in the Daily Maverick article, this figure now is couched with vague and ambiguous terms, viz: “emerging evidence indicates……”

I managed to glean accurate and reliable information on the ethnic breakdown in COVID-related mortality in the U.K. According to statistics released by the U.K. National Health Service, as at 17/4/2020 , 18.7% of COVID-related deaths collectively occurred in Blacks, Asians and those of mixed ethnicity.

Unfortunately it did not provide further breakdown of these groups in terms of ethnicity, let alone religion. Of relevance is that these ethnic groups together constituted 14% of the U.K. population (2011census).

Assuredly the COVID –related Muslim mortality will be far less than the 25% stated by UUCSA.

In conclusion I would like to emphasise that as Muslims, let alone the Ulema, it is of paramount importance to document accurate and reliable information in our communications.

Yours in Islam

P.S. Up to now my communiques with UUCSA and Moulana Bham have been essentially a private matter. However, in view of the lack of response to my two requests and the peddling of information based on assumptions and generalisations I have decided ,most reluctantly, to let the public be privy to my correspondences. 

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