Allah Ta’ala announces in His Kalaam: “Corruption (strife, hardships and anarchy) has appeared on the land and the sea because of the deeds of mankind so that Allah may cause them to taste the consequences of some of their deeds. Perhaps they will return (to the path of righteousness.)” (Room, 41)
Nabi Sallalahu alaihi wasallam said, “Your deeds are your rulers.” (Mishkaat)
As Muslims, we should look at the crisis gripping our country differently – With the spectacles of Imaan. The Noor of Imaan which we have is supposed to make us view things in a manner unlike to that of the Kuffaar. For indeed, their vision is blurred with their Kufr and Shikr.
With regards to the current issue of load-shedding, we should remind ourselves and Muslims who are sincere in their quest to reform their lives, of the following which plays a huge role in the crisis, and which is perhaps unspoken and undiscussed by many.
Remember, when misuse of a Bounty (Ni’mat) becomes common, then Allah Ta’ala snatches that Bounty away. In the same way, when misuse of the Ni’mat of electricity is made by the general masses, including the Muslims, then at times severe restrictions are enforced, all in the explanation of, “When there is insufficient power station capacity to supply the demand (load) from all the customers, the electricity system becomes unbalanced…”
The issue here, which is the truth and a bitter pill to gulp, is that as Muslims, we have misused the Ni’mat of electricity tremendously over the past few years. We will mention few common misuses of electricity, as we mentioned, as a reminder for ourselves and for the benefit of sincere Muslims who are in search to reform their ways and lives. Perhaps, some of the points mentioned might not be palatable to many, nevertheless, this is a guideline for the sincere Muslims.
- Wastage with regards to electricity: We are involved in wasting electricity. We keep lights on when not necessary. We keep fans / heaters switched on when we not in the room / house. This and other similar examples fall under wastage.
- Wastage with regards to TV: TV, which is a Haraam box and a devil at home, on which many shameless acts, violent acts, nudity, women, liquor, music, vulgarity, Zina etc. is shown, and unfortunately some Ulama appear on so-called ‘Islamic’ Channels in which they sit face-to-face with strange women in a studio, are major sins accumulated merely by having a TV in the house. When sin is made when watching TV, we are engaged in wastage of the Bounty of electricity. So what is the fuss when Allah Ta’ala makes Eskom implement load-shedding?
We are not interested in the justifications as well as the imported ‘Fatwas’ which the TV Ulama may have produced to brainwash the Ummah for their appearing on TV. We believe in the fact that photography, videography and TV etc. are Haraam even if they may be digital or not. Many senior Ulama and Muftis of South Africa sign to this long-standing Fatwa.
- Wastage with regards to Radios: We are not speaking about Kuffar owned radio stations, because Muslims who listen to them will be wary of Kuffaar culture propagated on them. Muslims will understand music which is played on them, women coming on air, advertising interest deals / loans, advertising music concerts etc. to be Haraam. We are speaking about radio stations which are Muslim owned and perhaps are also fostered by Ulama, while many un-Islamic and Haraam activities take place on them, all under the banner of ‘Islamic’ or ‘Islam’.
There are many un-Islamic activities which take place on such radio stations, however, for the sake of brevity of this article, we will suffice on two:
- Women: Many young women come on-air or call-in on these radio ‘Islamic’ stations and speak in alluring and charming tones and voices to strange men, at times to even Ulama. This is in direct conflict with the Qur’anic Law of Hijaab.
- Riba: Many advertisements on such radio stations are that of interest (Riba) such as investment companies and Islamic financing, even if they may be owned by Muslims. Riba in camouflaged names still remain Haraam for which Allah Ta’ala has declared war for against that person in the Qur’an Majeed.
- Wastage with regards to internet etc.: Yes, another web in which many of us easily fall prey to the sin of wastage. When surfing the internet for no need, whether it be with a computer or other devices such as smartphones, iPhones, tablets etc., then one is wasting data. On the other hand, watching Haraam YouTube videos even of Ulama is Haraam and wastage of internet / data.
Then what is the fuss and anger all about when Eskom implements stage 1, 2, 3 or 4 load-shedding? Load-shedding is a ‘reminder’ for the Muslims to mend our ways. It is for us to stop our wasteful pass-time hobbies such as watching YouTube videos, Naat singers’ videos and live-stream sports. May Allah Ta’ala guide us and forgive us, Aameen.
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