Love For Secularism

20 Safar 1442 / 8 October 2020

JUSA And Darul-Ihsaan Displaying Their Love For Secularism – What A Shame!

Question: I have seen a picture quote from Jamiat and Darul-Ihsaan supporting and celebrating teacher’s day. This is really shocking! How can Muslim organisations consisting of Ulema and Mufties support such a secular science that promotes LGBT, sex education, Kufr, Shirk and promotes atheist type theories regarding the coming into existence of the world? These are against our Islamic teachings and Aqeedah. Please comment if I am right or mistaken. Shukran

Answer: It is not shocking at all, because this very same organisation that parades as ‘Jamiatul Ulama South Africa’ has proven to one and all for years now, and especially since a few days prior to lockdown that they are dancers to the Satanic tones, tunes and music of Dajjal, the government, atheists and religious leaders (in their interfaith participation), etc. whom they always please at the expense of the Deen, Sunnah and Islam.

Furthermore, they are misleading laymen and the government into making them think and believe that they represent all the Muslims of South Africa by ‘South Africa’ appearing in their name. UUCSA, whom JUSA and Darul-Ihsaan are members of, deceive the government into believing that they represent all of the Ulama of South Africa. This is a blatant lie of theirs! Know well that they only represent the deviated scholars, Bidati Ulama, liberal ‘Ulama’, and perhaps the Kuffar Shi’a Priests. This is the truth of the matter!

Their promoting and supporting as well as celebrating teacher’s day displays what their priorities are. They blissfully remained and remain silent in promoting the attendance of the Masaajid in conformity to the 1400 year old Golden Sunnah’s demands such as filling gaps in the Sufoof, when the ‘virus’ came to our country, rather, they pleased the government by showing them that they ‘go the extra mile’ by calling for the closure of the Masaajid in SA about five days before lockdown!

In their picture-quote, a Hadith is quoted that reads as follows: “Verily, I have been sent as a teacher.” (Note the secular word used instead of the Islamic term ‘Ustaad’).

Why didn’t they find the innumerable Ahaadith that show us the examples laid out by Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) – our most honourable Ustaad –  in regard to the importance of Salaah with Jamaat, when he (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) went to the Masjid in his last sickness in a state of such weakness that his Mubaarak feet were dragging on the ground. Alas! To the contrary, these very same scholars attacked the Masaajid and aired (and supported) the comments made by their like-minded ‘Mufti’ that ‘the Masaajid are (super-)spreaders of the virus’. (Na-uthu Billah!)  

Why didn’t they find the Hadith narrated in Bukhari Shareef wherein Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) stressed on the importance of Salaah with Jamaat by intending to BURN the homes of those men who are absent from the Masjid. Alas! This group of scholars opted to rather SHUT DOWN the Masaajid even before lockdown, and then fought the court case in a disgraceful state whereby they were awarded with their disgraceful title of ‘friends of the Kuffar – enemies of Allah’, to keep the Masaajid CLOSED. In this doing of theirs, they have deprived thousands of healthy Muslim men from attending Salaah with Jamaat. How heart-sore Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would be when this court case will be brought forth on the Day of Justice (Qiyaamah)? With what face will they face Nabi (Sallalalhu alaihi wasallam) who said that Salaah with Jamaat is multiplied up to twenty-seven times in Thawaab?

Why didn’t they find the innumerable Ahaadith that clearly go against social-distancing in the Saffs, rather, JUSA’s secretary and Darul-Ihsaan’s Mufti were among the staunchest and first to implement the satanic-social distancing in their Masaajid! What a shame!

Their rule of enrolment in their (JUSA’s) Madrasah was told to us by some Ulama-e-Haq. The stupid requirement is that any student wishing to study at their Madrasah must produce a matric certificate! Hence, they are in love with secular education and parade as Ulama! Furthermore, students studying at their Madrasah also study a secular part time course at the same time. Many of these students take up teaching at secular institutions. Is that why they have secularised the word Ustaad to teacher?

Then, these ‘teacher-Molvis’ take up teaching posts at ‘(un-)Islamic schools’ which are sanctioned by JUSA and company. Amidst Baaligh (mature) girls and married (and even unmarried) Aapas, these ‘teacher-Molvis’ teach, take assemblies, count students, discuss important topics, hold staff meetings, offer assistance in sports that are banned in Islaam, etc. This is the end result of their products!

Hence, to us the query you made is not shocking. Yes, these type of celebrating, supporting and promoting will not be found coming from the Ulama-e-Haq. Our advice is that you shun following and supporting these modern-secular-Ulama and stick on the teachings and advice of the Ulama-e-Haq. Both the organisations in question are not of the Ulama-e-Haq!

Some of our Mashaaikh of recent times said, “Secular education is a Godless education.”

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