Masjid Awards

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 5 Thul-Qa’dah 1440 / 8 July 2019

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) warned the Ummah of a Sign of Qiyaamat:

لَا تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى يَتَبَاهَى النَّاسُ فِي الْمَسَاجِدِ

“The Hour (Qiyaamat) will not dawn until people vie (contest, have competitions) regarding their Musaajid.” [Abu Dawood]

While Radio Islam and Jamiatul-Ulama Fordsburg have arranged a Masjid awards competition in South Africa, the above Hadith explicitly mentions this to be a Sign of Qiyaamat. Some may interpret the above Hadith as referring to the building of Masaajid, however, the words do not single out this aspect only. The Hadith is general in its application.

In the time of the Khulafaa-e-Rashideen, there were many Masaajid which had the best of personalities as its Muazzins and Imaams, viz. the honourable Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum). Who would not want to hear the Azaan given by a Sahaabi and stand behind a Sahaabi in Salaah? Yet, no Taabi’[1] or Tab-e-Taabi’[2] ever arranged a Masjid Awards in which they gathered information regarding the Muazzins, Imaams, Da’wah works, Ta’leem work etc. of the Masaajid.

It was an era in which Islam was flourishing. Delegations of Sahaabah were sent to Kuffaar kings, rulers and communities to convey the words of Tawheed. Many Kuffaar entered the fold of Islam. Ta’leem to them of the Laws and Rules of Deen had to be taught. Thus, Sahaabah made Ta’leem to them. The Masaajid were getting filled, etc.

Yet, nowhere in our authentic Kitaabs on Islamic history etc. do we find anyone getting the idea of arranging a Masjid Awards. They understood the Golden Words of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) mentioned at the beginning of this article. Thus, with Ikhlaas (sincerity) they continued their daily Masjid duties, not being bothered with ‘Awards’ and competitions. They never worry of arranging a Masjid Awards. To them, keeping the Masjid Aabaad (occupied) and connecting themselves with Allah Ta’ala in His House were their goals.

When this mindset is reached, then today, we too will not be ‘moved’ and ‘touched’ by the decorations, beauty and exclusiveness of the outer building-work of the Masaajid. Whether an exclusive chandelier us switched on Esha time, or a candle is lit, such a Mu’min will not be really affected since his direction and focus is not limited to only a structure, but rather to Allah Ta’ala to gain maximum ‘Awards’ and Thawaab.

Furthermore, arranging Masjid Awards will also lead to Muslim communities’ intentions changing. When a new Masjid will be built, their prime objective will be to out-do and surpass the other community which built a Masjid recently. Latest and exquisite inner and outer plans for the Masjid’s structure will be made in their attempt of vying with the other community. A more expensive carpet will be imported in order to prove their Shaitaani competition of theirs, whereas, in reality, all of it is futile, especially when there are only a lamentable 3% Musallis using those carpets at the time of Fajr Salaah to make Sajdah on!

The organisations arranging such Masjid Awards have not applied their intelligence before arranging their plans.

We urge all those who are interested in acting upon Deen in its Pristine Purity, NOT to waste their time by submitting details of their Masjid to any of these organisations.

Rather, take stock of your duties to the Masjid, everyday, and see how many Awards (Thawaab) we receive daily by attending the Masjid, minimum five times a day, for men. Insha Allah, we will discuss the place of Salaah for women in another article.

The Daily Awards (Rewards) We Can Receive:

  1. Long before entering the Masjid, for every step we take when going to the Masjid, we get an Award.
  2. When entering with the right foot, we are getting Awards.
  3. When offering Nafl or Sunnah Salaah, we are getting Awards.
  4. When awaiting the Fardh Salaah, while maintaining silence, we are getting Awards.
  5. For starting the Salaah with Takbeer-e-Ulaa, we are getting Awards.
  6. For offering the remaining Sunnats and Nafl after the Fardh, we are getting Awards.
  7. For reciting Tasbeeh-e-Faatimi, we are getting Awards.
  8. For making Du’a, we are getting Awards.
  9. For engaging ourselves with silent Zikrullah in the Masjid, we are getting Awards.
  10. For making Tilaawat in the Masjid, we are getting Awards.

The motivation for this confounded ‘Masjid Awards’ programme is nothing but Riya (show) and Takabbur (pride), and it is in fulfilment of the prediction of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) who had said that towards the approach of Qiyaamah the Masaajid will be huge embellished structures, devoid of Hidaayat (guidance).

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radhiallahu anhuma) reports:

“Such a time will befall this Ummat when they will gather in the Masaajid, and they will perform Salaat, but there will not be a single Mu`min amongst them.” [Mustadrak, page 442, vol.4].

[1] A person who saw a Sahaabi in the state of Imaan and passed away in the state of Imaan.

[2] A person who saw a Taabi’ in the state of Imaan and passed away in the state of Imaan.

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