Masjid Caretaker

QUESTION: What qualities should a Masjid caretaker possess to fulfill his post of being a Masjid caretaker?

ANSWER: He should be a punctual Namaazi in the Masjid. Minus this quality, he is unfit to be a caretaker of any Masjid.

Apart from the above most important quality, the following points should serve as a guideline when selecting or appointing a Masjid caretaker:

1. Transparent in his dealings with Masjid funds

2. He should don the Sunnah Kurtah at all times

3. He should have a Sunnah beard

4. He should be prepared to sacrifice some of his time for the upkeep of the Masjid. Later in time, he shouldn’t brag and boast about his sacrifices he may have made to maintain Allah’s House as his reward is by Allah Ta’ala. He should not think that due to his service to the Masjid he is to remain a caretaker despite showing signs of becoming incompetent

5. He should physically be present when maintenence is done, or appoint someone responsible to be present if he cannot be there. However, his absence shouldn’t be a common thing, only due to valid reasons he may be absent. He should be mostly present for work related issues carried out by plumbers, builders, electricians etc in the Masjid

6. He should have regard for the Sunnats in his life. He should act upon the Sunnats himself

7. His personal dealings should be Halaal and pure and not adulterated with any bonds, banks, loans of Riba etc.

8. He should have good Akhlaaq and approach issues with Akhlaaq. He should not opt to vulgarity and abuse of power, etc.

9. When asked for Masjid needs, he should be quick in sorting out the needs, etc. He must be active in the upkeep of the Masjid, thus he should always be reporting back with the needs of the Masjid which need attention. This especially includes the month-to-month needs of the Masjid such as payment of bills, salaries, electricity, and other utility accounts, etc.

10. If he is in charge of paying salaries to the staff and people doing work at the Masjid, he should ensure swift payments are made before their sweat dries, as is the Islamic Ta’leem of paying workers. Workers, garden service team, cleaners, Imaams and Muazzins are not expected to beg him for their due salaries

11. If he is entrusted or its his duty to pay the Imaam Saahib, he should do so on the date agreed upon. He should not delay in the salaries of Imaams and Muazzins at all

12. If he cannot uphold this post and position, then he should immediately approach the Trustees and excuse himself from this position he cannot uphold

On the other hand, if any Trustee sees or anyone else sees incompetence from the caretaker or the caretaker being irresponsible in his punctuality of Salaah in the Masjid or of any of the above points, then the Trustees are duty bound to address the issue and the general masses are also encouraged to inform the Trustees or seniors of the caretaker’s incompetence in his post. The caretaker should not at all show any ill attitude should he be asked to be diligent in his post, or should his duties be altered or should he be dismissed.

After all, it is not anyone’s house, it is Allah’s House.