Message To The Spies

28 Dhul-Qa’dah 1442 / 9 July 2021

A Message To ALL Our ‘Muslim’ Spies, Impimpies & Machinglaans[1]!

Explaining the characteristic of Islaam’s arch-enemy, Abu Jahl, Allah Ta’ala states clearly, “Tell Me about the one who (i.e. Abu Jahl) prevents a servant (of Allah, Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) when he performs Salaah.” (‘Alaq, Aayaat 9, 10)

Guaranteeing the Imaan of those Muslims who FREQUENT the Masaajid, Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “If you see a man frequenting the Masjid, bear witness to his Imaan for Allah Ta’ala says, ‘Only he will frequent the Masjids who believes in Allah…’” (Tirmizi)

While Islaam’s arch-enemy, namely Abu Jahl, would physically prevent Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) from performing Salaah in Masjidul Haraam, our impimpies, pimps, spies and machinglaans here in South Africa prevent Musallis from performing Salaah by reporting them to the officials. Doing this makes them the ‘officials’ or the ‘army/police/soldiers’ of Shaitaan. Regarding Shaitaan’s soldiers, Allah Ta’ala clearly mentions their loss in the following Aayat, “Harken! The army of Shaitaan will be the losers.” (Mujaadalah, Aayat 19)

Taxis may operate to full capacity, shops and malls can allow hundreds of people under the same roof at a time and other public places have queues of people standing directly behind each other. On the one hand, Allah’s Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) clearly declared the shops, bazaars and malls to be ‘Abghadhul Bilaad’ (most abhorred of places) and the Masaajid as ‘Ahabbul Bilaad’ (the most beloved of places) unto Allah Ta’ala, on the other hand, the spies, pimps, impimpies and machinglaans deem the Masaajid to be their biggest target, concern and attack.

Shaitaan has duped these impimpies, spies, pimps and machinglaans into making them target innocent Musallis who are merely displaying their love and devotion in their duties unto Allah Ta’ala. Shaitaan has adopted these souls (spies, etc.) as his allies and uses them to be part of his known disgraceful quality which is repeated in the Qur’an Majeed of ‘preventing from Allah’s Path’. While the impimpies quickly spy and report unarmed and harmless Musallis in the Most Beloved of spots on earth, the silence of these impimpies regarding the thousands of armed Nkandla crowd protecting the former president, Jacob Zuma, is indeed deafening! Is it because of these thousands of men being armed that they fear to spy and report to officials, compared to a handful of unarmed Musallis going Masjid?

Whilst the Nkandla men may have been armed with weapons and firearms, the Musallis going to the Masjid are indeed also ‘armed’ with invisible weapons, and are in the company of an Army of Angels who are more powerful than any police force and army of this world! By spying the Musallis, these impimpies are calling for trouble for themselves as they will face the consequences when Allah’s (invisible) Whip will Strike!  

It is totally unfair, unjust and plain oppression (ZULM) to the Masaajid to report Muslims (Musallis). Allah Ta’ala clearly states, “And whoever honours the Symbols of Allah Ta’ala (Masaajid, Azaan, Qur’an Majeed, etc.), it is certainly out of the Taqwa (piety) of the heart.” (Surah Hajj, Aayat 32) Thus, showing respect to the Masjid is a sign of Taqwa of a man’s heart. What then can be said regarding some male and female spies who brazenly broadcast their spying of the Masaajid? May Allah Ta’ala grant them Hidaayat to realize their gross error and Zulm against His Houses before it is too late, Aameen.

Surely, the Musallis who are still so determined and firm in the Waajib duty of Salaah in the Masaajid show their true and firm level of Imaan as per the Hadith quoted in the beginning. Whilst another Hadith warns of WAR with Allah Ta’ala should one trouble and interfere with His Wali (Friend), these Musallis’ high level of Imaan clearly shows their Wilaayat (Friendship) with Allah Ta’ala. What then can be said will be the outcome of these spies, pimps, impimpies and machinglaans who today spy them to the official of the Dunya when Tomorrow they will be dealt with by the Officials of Allah Ta’ala who are the powerful, strong and mighty Angels? The Angels of Allah’s ‘Police Force’ are fearsome looking. They carry huge hammers and have voices of thunder. Even the Police of this Dunya will shake and shiver when they are dealt with by the Police of Allah Ta’ala on the Day of Qiyaamah!

O Twitter Pimps And Social Media Activists! Fear The Soundless Whip Of Allah Ta’ala! For When It Strikes, You’ll Feel Only Pain But Will Hear No Sound!

Love For The Masjid Is A Sign Of Imaan! It Does Not Behove Of A Muslim To Interfere Regarding The Houses Of Allah Ta’ala – The Masaajid!

O Impimpies & Machinglaans! What You Have To Say About The Nkandla Armed Men Who Broke Almost Every Rule Of The Oppressive Atheist-Made Inhumane Lockdown? Your Silence In That Regard Shows Your ‘Problem’ Is Only With Allah’s Houses!

[1] Machinglaan: A Zulu word which means security, guard. Meaning, some ‘Muslims’ are acting like security guards informing officials when Musallis enter Masaajid.

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