QUESTION: Is if permissible to attend a Mishkaat Shareef Jalsah of an online Madrasah whose Mishkaat Ustaad (from the knowledge I have, as per the information given to me from a student at the same Madrasah) is a deviate? Deviate in the sense that he’s videos are available on the internet, he delivers talks in the Quds Mosque, he got no issue with interfaith, he deems stunned meat as permissible, his organization whose secretary he chairs, went to court – they were thè organization that became friends of the court to ask the judge to keep the Masaajid closed during 2020’s covid, etc.
ANSWER: Never will it be permissible to attend such a Jalsah!
We subscribe to the Ulama-e-Haq who disagree with online Madrasah systems. An online Madrasah is no Madrasah.
A Madrasah should be face-to-face, and not online. Deen spread from Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi Wasallam) to us by the face-to-face system and not through an online system.
Will the online students be present on some virtual nonsense for the Jalsah, or will they be present in-person?
Even if it is argued that there are “onsite” students at the Madrasah: We say, there should ONLY be on-site Ta’leem and NOT online Ta’leem. The entire Madrasah should be an on-site Ta’leem based system.
The fact that the Ustaad of Mishkaat Shareef is the secretary of such a deviated organization who has failed to understand the basics of Deen (why interfaith is Haraam and akin to Kufr, the Hurmat of pictures and videos, lack of love for the Masaajid in their Shaitaani court friendship in 2020, and the whole list of items), how then can one trust the Noor, Barkat, Love and Deeni points to be correctly taught from the Hadith Shareef by him?
The Ulama-e-Haq, comprising of senior Ulama and senior Principals of major Darul Ulooms have distanced themselves from this crowd who approve interfaith, wen to court against the Masaajid, etc. Is this not enough as a reason to abstain from the very people who are involved in interfaith, etc?
It is never permissible to attend any of the deviate organizations such as JUSA’s Khatm-e-Bukhari Jalsah or any Jalsah of any sort. It is Haraam. The same applies to the Madrasah whose Ustaad belongs to the fraternity of deviates.
The fact that the Mishkaat Ustaad has even turned his back on the Ta’leem of his senior Ustaad – who is still alive – speaks volumes and places several question marks in the credibility of his (the Mishkaat Ustaad) Deeni credibility.
After all, if for worldly matter one would had been extra cautious not to utilize the service of a professional who is either a fraud, a quack or one whose teacher has not given credibility to, for Deeni matters, such precautions are suppose to be on a much greater level!