Mixed Islamic Functions


By Maulana Yunus Patel (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

There is a sickness in society which has now reached epic proportions. It is so serious that it requires repetition in its warnings to drive the point home. Fitan (trials) abound, the worst and most dangerous Fitnah is that which takes the form and garb of Deen.

In the name and guise of Deen, Muslims are being invited to fund-raising programmes, lunches and dinners where funds are being raised for Deeni projects but in an un-Islamic manner.

There are also invitations to pre-Ramadaan and Eid Fairs, as well as other social events. The theme of these programmes, events and fairs is ‘Fun’ and ‘Entertainment’, which entails mixing and socialising. The encouragement is for all to attend – men and women, young and old.

Nowadays, the invite is to dress up and attract attention. Similarly, there are Islamic” fashion shows and “Islamic” concerts being advertised and promoted. Again, we find that the name of Islam is misused and exploited.

Recently, at one such fashion show, music played…cameras clicked…the audience clapped…and Muslim women danced. This was related first-hand. These organisers are playing with Deen and Shari’ah, which is extremely dangerous. These events have no relationship with Islam.

Since all of these functions and events are in the name of Islam, people consider them as something virtuous; as something rewarding; as some kind of Ibaadah (worship). One can gauge how serious the matter is!

The person is not going to make Taubah for this. He is not going to consider the intermingling and the socialising as sinful, because the event is promoted as something meritorious and ‘Halaal’, and because the invitation is from people and organisations that are representing Deen, and whom it is expected, would know better as to what is Halaal and Haraam.

“What a revolution!

That Ummah which detested Haraam, which stayed far from that which is doubtful, now has no fear indulging in Haraam!”

There are so many who are ‘pious’ and know better than to attend such programmes, their hearts will give them the Fatwa: ‘Don’t go’. Yet they still go? Thereafter complaints are presented of the intermingling of sexes, the distressing condition of the youth, the immodest dressing of the women, etc.

Understand that this is a trap of shaytaan and nafs! The person is in the midst of Haraam, and he is also gazing at strange women. The nafs is taking Haraam pleasure and evil desires are destroying the heart.

Even if an Aalim (Scholar) is involved in these activities or endorsing these programmes, and is seen at these venues, this does not make it Halaal. This is the weakness of that Aalim.

Those who project piety, with their dressing, their service of Deen and their Ta’alluq (link) with the Ulama, must prove their piety and sincerity by restraining themselves from Fitnah and avoiding places of Fitnah. The instruction and order of Shari’ah is: It is not permissible to be present in a gathering where Allah Ta’ala is being disobeyed.

Mullah Ali Qaari Rahimahullah defined Hayaa (modesty) as: “The reality of Hayaa is that your your Master (Allah Ta’ala) must not find you in that place which He has forbidden or involved in that which He has forbidden.”

Due to the free integration of men and women, these social events and functions bring one close to Zina (adultery).

Allah Ta’ala says: “And do not come close to Zina. Verily it is a shameful and evil path.” [Surah Al- Isra 17 : 32]

Young men have written to me and have mentioned honestly that their intention for attending these functions, events, fairs, programmes and weddings is for no other purpose but to admire the women.

Some have mentioned that they attend only so that they can deliberately touch those women who are in the crowd, and take Haraam pleasure. If these are not our wives, then they are our daughters or mothers or sisters or nieces, who are exposed to lustful glances and physical contact with strangers.

Where is the self-honour of the Muslim?

GHAIRAH (Sense of Honour)

Have we become completely devoid of self-honour that we are unconcerned about our wives daughters, mothers and sisters – what they do, where they go and who they are associating with? Or worse still, do we encourage this kind of conduct? How can a person be comfortable and at ease with his womenfolk freely interacting with strange men, displaying their beauty to strange men or engaging in other sins?

When you purchase meat, milk, and other groceries, you make sure you carry it in a packet or bag – hidden from the gazes of people. You do not want others to see your purchases. You keep your money in your wallet or pocket, protected from the gazes of people, and afraid, lest it is snatched away.

You place value on your groceries and your money. What about the value of your wife? What about the value of your daughter? What becomes of your intelligence that you display and parade your pretty wife and your daughters; or you allow them to display their beauty to others and mix with strangers?

Bread and milk thus hold more value to you than your wife and your daughters. Groceries cannot take a walk, they cannot fly out of the packet or bag… but your wife or daughter can disappear. There are many cases where the wife or the daughter eloped.”

Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said, “Allah has a sense of honour, and Allah’s sense of honour is provoked when a Believer does something which Allah has prohibited.” [Bukhari]

So when it is plainly evident that these programmes, events and fairs are accompanied by a host of Haraam and are against the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, we can stop ourselves and our families, although we may not be able to stop others.

We should also keep in mind that RasulullahSallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam said, “The most beloved places in the Sight of Allah are the Masaajid, and the most disliked places in the Sight of Allah, are the markets.” [Muslim]

May Allah Ta’ala grant us the understanding, the concern and the ability of practising on all His beautiful, noble Commandments.