MJC’s Covid Game

29 Rabi-ul-Aakhir 1442 / 15 December 2020

Don’t Become ‘Positive’ In The Covid Tricks – Beware Of MJC’s Propaganda!

Re: ‘Urgent Call’, issued by the MJC (dated 11/12/2020)

We have seen MJC’s public statement in which they have dinned into the Muslims the importance of enforcing the scandalous man-made protocols of the atheists! This shows that MJC, like JUSA/UUCSA, are agent scholars of the government!

Imagine the Houses of Allah Ta’ala – the Masaajid – are forced to abide by the laws of the enemies of Allah Ta’ala, as harped and drummed by the so-called ‘heirs of the Ambiya’ – the ‘Ulama’ and ‘Shaykhs’! How ironical, lamentable and hypocritical?

With what audacity has MJC made the following statement that defies Imaani logic, “If any Masjid is unable to adhere to the protocols, it is advised that those Masajid close until they are able to do so.” (May Allah forgive us for even quoting such un-Islamic content)

Does MJC have no shame to make such an un-Islamic utterance? Is MJC not happy and pleased to have a Divine Deen which is governed by Divine Immutable Protocols, regarding which Allah Ta’ala announced His Pleasure in the Qur’an Majeed:

“I (Allah) am happy with Islam as your Deen.” (Maa’idah, Aayat 3)

While MJC has succumbed to the covid game of fear mongering and fear numbering, they have ‘attacked’ the Masaajid once more in words and deeds. Can any genuine Aalim or Shaykh ever stoop to such a low ebb where he starts having a ‘problem’ with the Houses of Allah Ta’ala? Can such a person ever be called a ‘Moulana’ or ‘Shaykh’, an heir of the Ambiya?

While MJC has publicized their ‘concern’ regarding the Masaajid, they appear to be deafeningly silent when it comes to encouraging the man-made protocols in the malls, shops and ALL other places where the chances of viruses to be ‘contacted’ are Islamically – as per the Hadith – and logically far greater than in the Masaajid!

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “When disease descends from the skies, it is averted from the inhabitants of the Masaajid.” (Faidhul-Qadeer and others)

When entering the Masjid, the following Du’a is read, “O Allah! Open for me the doors of Your Mercy.”

Can one fathom that viruses will haunt one in the Masaajid if man-made protocols are not adhered to? Can one ever hallucinate that Masaajid are ‘sssuuuper-spreaders’ of viruses?

May Allah Ta’ala expose Baatil and the people of Baatil so that the Ummah can be saved from their deadly virus which will ruin one’s Imaan and Aakhirat, Aamen.

(To read or download this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/MJCs-covid-game.pdf)

Also read – Response to MJC, ‘second wave’: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/The-second-wave-response-to-MJC.pdf