Ml Sulaiman Ravat’s HARAAM Video Talk Addressing The Hujjaaj

QUESTION: An Instagram video link is going around in which Maulana Sulayman Ravat of Radio Islaam  is offering Nasihah to the Hujjaaj. Please explain if such videos should be watched to learn from, by prospective Hujjaaj?

ANSWER: Islam cannot spread by means of Haraam videos. Hence, this Haraam method of videos used to address the Hujjaaj is deprived of quality and is shameless!

Instead of Sulaiman Ravat harping much ‘Naseehat’ to the Hujjaaj, wherein he stresses on the point that ‘Allah Ta’ala wants quality’, we suggest to him to keep this point in mind and revisit the Ahaadith and Kutub discussing the Hurmat of photography, videography, posing for pictures next to idols (Mandela’s statue/idol), video-steaming politics, attending (Haraam, videoed and accursed) interfaith gatherings, etc., etc., etc. He should then study the background, Tashreeh and other aspects of these Ahaadith from the works of the Ulama-e-Haq. He should double check if his understanding conforms to that of the Ulama-e-Haq, and his senior Asaatizah – who brand photography as HARAAM – who are still alive today. This will ingrain some QUALITY in his understanding of the topic of photography and videography which he so openly engages and indulges in.

He should, instead of turning his back on the Ta’leem of the Ulama-e-Haq and his Asaatizah wherein they brand and stress on ALL forms of animate videos and pictures to be Haraam, follow their Ta’leem, through which he will gain QUALITY in his preaching. And this ‘quality’ will be perceived in the form of abandoning free-mixing with ladies, TV, ladies in TV studios, politics, You-Tube, promoting secular (godless) education, etc.

Thus, prospective Hujjaaj should not taint their journey of Hajj by indulging in activities which will remove the quality from their Hajj. Watching any scholar’s animate videos – even if it be a Hajj talk – will surely remove the quality of the Hajj.

Hujjaaj should opt to listen to the spiritual, QUALITY-PACKED tips given in the Majaalis of the Ulama-e-Haq who offer guidelines based on Taqwa to gain a level of QUALITY in their Hajj. Indeed, their simple non-TV and non-videoed Bayaans have aspects of Taqwa, Akhlaaq, Aadaab, etc. cascading from their Taqwa-filled hearts.

Indeed, there is tremendous benefit in adhering to their (Ulama-e-Haq’s) Naseehat instead of the modern/politic-scholars, the like of S Ravat, S Moola, Menk and Bham, etc.