Mosque Open Days

Question: On Heritage Day, some organisations have initiated a program called ‘Mosque Open Days’. In this event, the Musaajid are open to members of all religions, men and women. They are allowed to enter, they will be given a tour of the Musaajid and questions regarding Islam will be answered. Kindly share Islamic Light on this new trend.

Answer: Mosque Open Days are totally alien to Islam. They have no place in Islam and are Haraam for the following simple and irrefutable facts / points:

  1. The Qur’an Majeed declares the Mushrikeen (those who ascribe partners with Allah Ta’ala) as Najis, thus they are forbidden from entering the Masaajid.
  2. Pious, Purdah-Nasheen Muslim women are forbidden from entering their local Masjid for Fardh Salaah, how then can a non-Muslim lady, wallowing in Janaabat or possibly be in her menses and perhaps dressed immodestly enter a Masjid for a tour, Q&A, refreshments on Heritage Day under the guise of ‘Mosque Open Days’?
  3. A Muslim male in the state of Janaabat is forbidden from entering the Masjid, how then can non-Muslim men and women enter the Masjid with their bodily impurities – Janaabat, non-Istinjaa’?
  4. The groups and organisations endorsing this Haraam Mosque Open Day events are the same ones who are guilty of desecrating the Masaajid of South Africa by supporting the court case against the opening of the Masaajid!
  5. When the Muslims wanted the Masaajid OPENED during the lockdown, the same scholars opposed the OPENING of the Masaajid for the MUSLIMS, yet today, they are welcoming non-Muslims into the Masaajid dubbing it ‘Mosque Open Days’. This speaks volumes of where the priorities of such ‘scholars’ are.
  6. The pious, senior and experienced Ulama-e-Haq of South Africa do not endorse such Mosque Open Days.
  7. At a ‘Mosque Open Day’, the Masjid is turned into a museum! Is this what a Masjid is built for?
  8. Genuine seekers of the true religion from other faiths will be given Divine Direction and Guidance. In the 1400 year old Islam, billions of people accepted Islam. There was no need of a ‘Mosque Open Day’ to invite them towards Islam!
  9. Did any such ‘Mosque Open Days’ take place in the time of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), or any of the Khulafaa (Radhiyallahu anhum)? Yet, Islam spread to the four corners of the globe!
  10. Scholars who endorse such Haraam ‘Mosque Open Days’ have no Islamic basis to justify this event. The only straws they can clutch on is their political slogans they scream out in their press statements. Beware of such (political) scholars!

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