Mosque Open (Museum) Days Remain Haraam No Matter Who Says What!
Below are few more points to explain the Haraam Mosque Open (Museum) Days which has become a new trend organized by modern-thinking Muslims and scholars:
- The entire basis for this trend arranged by modern-minded Muslims and endorsed by anti-Masjid scholars (see point no. 10 for further explanation regarding ‘anti-Masjid’) is the Kuffaar’s day called ‘Heritage Day’ celebrated on the 24th of September, annually. In simple words, there is absolutely no Islamic backing besides the ‘Heritage Day’ – designed by the Kuffaar – for turning the Masaajid into museums and polluting the Masaajid atmosphere with Na-Paak Kuffaar men and women, all under the Shaitaani deceptive banner of ‘Mosque Open Days’!
- Regarding ‘Heritage Day’, it is a day coined by the Kuffaar government. It has nothing to do with Islam. Hence, celebrating this day the way the Kuffaar want us to celebrate and behave – by arranging ‘Mosque Open Days’ in respect of ‘celebrating’ our country’s ‘heritage’ – is emulating the Kuffaar. As Muslims, our heritage is Islam, especially those pertinent aspects found in our history.
- Such emulation of the Kuffaar is prohibited and discouraged in the Hadith Shareef.
- Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Whoever emulates a nation, is part of them.” (Abu Dawood) Do we want to be classified as part of South Africa’s politicians, religions and cultures on the Day of Qiyaamah?
- Apart from the above, in the 1400 years of our Rich Islamic History, was there ever such merrymaking events that transpired inside our Masaajid? Were Kuffaar – men and women, dressed as they desire, whether in the state of Janaabat or menses – ever allowed a tour inside any of the Masaajid during the Khilaafat of Ameerul-Mu’mineen, Hazrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu), or any other Sahaabi (Radhiyallahu anhu)? Weren’t the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) aware of the ‘politics’ of their time? The Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) learnt the True, Correct and Pristine Deen from Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), whereby they understood that there is no scope for such Haraam ‘Open Days’.
- Were any of the Kuffaar (in their conditions mentioned above) ever allowed inside the Masaajid for tours, etc. in the era of any of the four great Imaams of the Mazhabs, their illustrious students, the great Akaabireen of Deoband and the recent times’ Ulama-e-Haq?
- Surely, the above great prominent and illustrious personalities who were masters, experts and giants in Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqh, Fatawa, etc. understood this issue far better than current scholars who have simply failed to even understand the Hurmat (prohibition) of photography by flooding the internet with their pictures and their appearing on TV – Dajjal’s studio, whether iTV or Hilaal TV or any other TV channel. Unfortunately, the scholars and modern-thinking Muslims have also failed to understand the harms, evil and sin of calling for the closure of the Masaajid and supporting the friends of the court. This speaks volumes of what level of Islamic knowledge they possess. If they could call for the closure of the Masaajid of Allah Ta’ala, then it is no surprise for them to call Kuffaar to enter and pollute Allah’s Houses under the banner of ‘Heritage Day’ and ‘Mosque Open Day’.
- The organisations and scholars who are in the front-line pushing and calling for this Haraam event of ‘Mosque Open Days’ are the same ones who have openly moved away from the Tareeqah (method and way) of the previous and the current Ulama-e-Haq. Them engaging in activities not endorsed by our Akaabireen and Ulama-e-Haq is an example of their deviating from the Tareeqah of our seniors.
- In short, they have moved away from the original Islam and have liberalised and modernised Islam. In following the footsteps of the Ulama-e-Haq, one will be saved from this accursed ‘modern-Islam’, which is actually a ‘watered-down’ version of Islam.
- The proof of this is the covid saga better known as the covid plandemic or scamdemic. These were the same ones who enforced un-Islamic Masjid closures, anti-Sunnah satanic social distancing in the Saffs, harmful masks and satanizing (sanitizing). Clear wording of many Ahaadith Shareef refute these enforcements they scream, chanted and shouted in conformity to the government’s demands. Thus, they shunned Allah’s and Allah’s Rasool’s (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) Laws, Demands and Shari’ah for the pittance and ‘pat on the back’ received from the Kuffaar government. Their opposing the Masjid court case and begging the Kuffaar to keep Allah’s House SHUT was an unprecedented action going against the clear-cut Aayat of the Qur’an Majeed (Surah Baqarah, Aayat 114).
Mosque Open Days Are Haraam!
It Is Not Permissible For A Pious Muslim Lady Who Is In Proper Strict Purdah In The State Of Wuzu To Go To The Masjid To Fulfil Her Salaah With Jamaat, Then How Can Non-Muslim Women, Some Perhaps In Their Menses, Without Making Istinja And Dressed Immodestly Enter The Masjid For A Tour?
It Is The Right Of Every Masjid Not To Be Turned Into A Museum On ‘Heritage Day’!
It Is The Right Of Every Musalli To Prevent The Trustees & Imaams From Allowing Their Masjid To Be Turned Into A Museum For The Kuffaar!
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