Don’t Go Against Your Ustaad!

Allamah Yusuf Binnori (Rahmatullahi alaih), stated during his final attendance of the Pakistan Islamic Council, regarding television:

“If even one person is blessed with guidance after using the permissible means, then undoubtedly our Tableegh (propagation of Deen) was successful. However, if on the other hand, scores and droves of people embrace Islam on account of us adopting impermissible methods and means, then this holds no value in the sight of Allah Ta’ala.”

(Ulama-e-Deoband ke Aakhiri Lamahaat)

When a person goes against his Ustaad, you cannot expect anything but Fitnah and Baatil as well as Dhalaalat (deviation) to emerge from him!

But only those who are interested in the bitter HAQ will see this!

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