Mufti A.H Elias’s Fatwa on The Al-Ansaar Souk

“When I was the so called “Mufti of Al Ansaar” then even they were not listening to me. But using me and other Ulema e Deoband as salad dressing to legalize their haraam activities. Some Ulema speak out but most love the mileage they get. Thus the public will be completely confused.

  • Music is haraam.
  • Beat-boxing is haraam.
  • Having comedy shows is haraam.
  • Male and female sitting in one cubicle chatting without hijaab is haraam.
  • Females speaking flirtatiously over the air is haraam.
  • Females and males singing and dancing on stage is haraam.
  • To eat rainbow chickens is haraam.
  • Males and females competing against each other is making a mockery of Islaam.
  • To support and promote Salafi views on air is haraam.
  • To support and promote Shia views on air is haraam.
  • To support and promote Bidaat on air is haraam.
  • To support and promote the views of Kafirs, Murtaads and zindiqs is haraam.
  • To support and promote views which are contrary to Islaam is haraam.

It is the responsibility of the Ulema e Rabbani Haqqaani to highlight the Haqq and expose the Baatil or await the wrath of Allaah.”

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